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titre | date | parution | auteurs | |||
The birth of Gilgamesh | 24/03/2005 | R. Krautkraemer (ed.), Tagungsband Halle/Saarbruecken (2005) | Wouter F.M. Henkelman | |||
The Electrum Coinage of Samos in the Light of a Recent Hoard | 19/03/2005 | Neue Forschungen, à paraître | Koray Konuk | |||
Die Hängenden Gärten zu Ninive | 04/02/2005 | Festchr. M. Schretter, 2005 | Reinhold Bichler, Robert Rollinger | |||
Le monnayage de Pharnabaze frappé dans l'atelier de Cyzique | 02/02/2005 | Numismatic Chronicle, 2004, p. 1-29. | Frédéric Maffre | |||
Das Phantom des Medischen 'Großreiches' und die Behistun-Inschrift | 05/10/2004 | Robert Rollinger | ||||
The Significance of 'chitra' for the Iranian Cosmogony of Light | 22/07/2004 | Abolala Soudavar | ||||
La figura del sucesor del Gran Rey | 19/07/2004 | Víctor Alonso Troncoso (ed.), ΔΙΑΔΟΧΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑΣ. La figura del sucesor en las monarquías de época helenística, Anejos Gerión, Madrid, 2005 | Manel Garcia Sanchez | |||
Spätachämenidische Texte aus Kutha | 08/03/2004 | Michael Jursa | ||||
The Median 'Empire' | 08/01/2004 | Robert Rollinger | ||||
Some Observations on the Image of the Assyrian and Babylonian Kingdom | 18/12/2003 | Reinhold Bichler | ||||
Ktesias 'korrigiert' Herodot | 18/12/2003 | Reinhold Bichler | ||||
Herodot, Asarhaddon, Jesaja und die fliegenden Schlangen Arabien. | 03/11/2003 | Robert Rollinger | ||||
Imago Mundi : Cosmological and Ideological Aspects of the Arjan Bowl. | 07/10/2003 | Iranica Antiqua 39, 2004, p. 203-237. | Javier Alvarez-Mon | |||
Sense and Nonsense in the Statistical Approach of Babylonian Prices | 04/07/2003 | BirOr LX, 5-6, 2003 : 521-538. | Robartus J. van der Spek, C.A. Mandemakers | |||
Survey of Numismatic Research | 12/12/2002 | Koray Konuk | ||||
M.W. Waters, A Survey of Neo-Elamite History | 30/09/2002 | BiOr LX, 3-4, 2003 ; 251-264 | Wouter F.M. Henkelman | |||
The Coinage of Latmos | 16/07/2002 | Koray Konuk | ||||
Quelques remarques sur Michael Rostovtzeff | 08/07/2002 | Pierre Briant | ||||
Milestones in the Development of Achaemenid Historiography | 08/07/2002 | Pierre Briant | ||||
La tradition gréco-romaine sur Alexandre le Grand dans l'Europe moderne | 08/07/2002 | M. Haagsma, P. Den Boer, E. M. Moormann (Eds), The Impact of Classical Greece on European and National Identities (Athens 2-4 October 2000), J.C. Gieben, Amsterdam 2003, p. 161-180. | Pierre Briant | |||
Buffles et zébus au Proche-Orient ancien | 11/06/2002 | Olivier Casabonne | ||||
Communauté citoyenne et exploitation du territoire en Lycie | 06/06/2002 | La campagne antique : espace sauvage, terre domestiquée, Cahiers Kubada V, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2003, p. 91-108. | Olivier Casabonne | |||
Histoire et archéologie d'un texte. La lettre de Darius à Gadatas | 07/11/2001 | M. Giorgieri, M. Salvini, M.-C. Trémouile, P. Vanicelli (eds), Licia e Lidia prima dell ellenizzazione (Roma, 11-12 ottobre 1999), Roma, CNR, 2003, p. 107-144. | Pierre Briant | |||
Fifth-Century Nippur : Texts of the Murashû and their Surroundings | 21/04/2001 | Journal of Cuneiform Studies 53, 2001, p. 83-132. | Matthew W. Stolper |