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titre | date | parution | auteurs | |||
Erbbina in Caria? | 28/04/2009 | Ancient History and Numismatics. Studies in honour of Clemens E. Bosch, Sabahat Atlan and Nezahat Baydur, Istanbul. | Koray Konuk | |||
Ktesias-Bibliographie | 10/02/2009 | J. Wiesehöfer/G. Lanfranchi/R. Rollinger (eds), Die Welt des Ktesias, Stuttgart 2009. | Inge Klingler, Margareta M. Berktold, Irene Huber, Birgit Gufler | |||
Ktesias und Babylonien | 10/02/2009 | J. Wiesehöfer/G. Lanfranchi/R. Rollinger (eds), Die Welt des Ktesias, Stuttgart 2009, pp.130–161. | Irene Huber | |||
Kataonia, Melitene, Kummanni, and the problem of Komana | 02/02/2009 | Acta Orientalia Belgica XXII, 2009 (forthcoming) | Olivier Casabonne | |||
De la Capadoce à la Cilicie : deux notes anatoliennes | 27/01/2009 | O. Tekin (ed.), Ancient History, Numismatics and Epigraphy in the Mediterranean World, Studies in Honour of Clemens E. Bosch, Sabahat Atlan and Nezahat Baydur, Istanbul (forthcoming) | Olivier Casabonne | |||
Consumed before the King | 31/03/2008 | B. Jacobs & R. Rollinger (edd.), Der Achämenidenhof (Oriens et Occidens), Stuttgart (2008/2009). | Wouter F.M. Henkelman | |||
Auras, Daevvas y Bagas | 17/07/2007 | Bandue (Revista de la SECR), Vol 1 (2007) | Israel Campos Méndez | |||
Introduction du livre « Zarathushtra and the Religion of Ancient Iran » | 01/03/2007 | Zarathushtra and the Religion of Ancient Iran: The Greek and Latin Sources in Translation (Mumbai, 2007) | Phiroze Vasunia | |||
Parnakka’s feast. Šip in Pārsa and Elam. | 15/02/2007 | J. Alvarez-Mon (ed.), Elam and Persia, Eisenbrauns, 2007. | Wouter F.M. Henkelman | |||
Der Grabhügel. | 05/02/2007 | J. Wiesehöfer, G. Lanfranchi and R. Rollinger (eds.), Ktesias und der Orient, Stuttgart (2007). | Wouter F.M. Henkelman | |||
Persépolis, ¿arquitectura celestial o terrenal? | 01/02/2007 | P. Azara, F. Frontisi-Ducroux, G. Luri (edd.), Arquitecturas celestiales (sous presse, 2007). | Manel Garcia Sanchez | |||
L'Asie Mineure en transition. | 01/02/2007 | P. Briant et F. Joannès (edd.), La Transition entre l'empire achéménide et les royaumes hellénistiques, Coll. Persika, 9, Paris, De Boccard. | Pierre Briant | |||
Yaunâ takabarâ | 06/07/2006 | Oriens et Occidens 12, Stuttgart 2006, 365-400 | Robert Rollinger | |||
Los inicios de la dinastía aqueménida y la formación del imperio persa | 06/03/2006 | Revista Iberoamericana de Historia 1 (2006), 19-28 | Israel Campos Méndez | |||
Alexandre le Grand aujourd'hui: Alexandre 'grand économiste' | 03/03/2006 | Annuaire du Collège de France, 195, 2005, p. 585-599 | Pierre Briant | |||
Alexander the Great and the Enlightenment | 16/12/2005 | Cromohs 10, 2005 | Pierre Briant | |||
The Introduction of Cotton in the Near East: a View from Elam? | 05/09/2005 | K. Abdi, éd., Draya tya hacâ Pârsâ aitiy: Essays on the Archaeology and History of the Persian Gulf Littoral, Peeters Publishers | Javier Alvarez-Mon | |||
La representación del Gran Rey aqueménida en la novela histórica contemporánea | 17/06/2005 | Historiae 2 (2005) | Manel Garcia Sanchez | |||
Some Early Archaeological Discoveries in Iran | 30/05/2005 | From Persepolis to the Punjab: 19th-century discoveries, (Errington, E. & Curtis, V. S., eds), London | St John Simpson | |||
The Reason of State in the Religious Policy of Achaemenid Kings | 30/05/2005 | Gerion nº 24. 1 (2006) | Israel Campos Méndez | |||
Économie royale | 04/05/2005 | R. Descat (éd.), Colloque de Saint-Bertrand | Pierre Briant | |||
Cyrus and the Achaemenids | 04/05/2005 | Iran 42, 2004, p. 91-102 | Matt Waters | |||
Levant 90-95 | 04/05/2005 | Survey 1997, p. 101-113 | Haim Gitler | |||
Levant 96-2001 | 04/05/2005 | Survey 2003, p. 151-175 | Haim Gitler |