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<< 149/197 >>

Waerzeggers, Marduk-remanni, 139

numéro(s) : BM 64177 (82-9-18, 4146)

date babylonienne : [...]-[...]-Dar I [...] (avant Dar I 29)
année julienne : [...] [...] [...]

lieu de rédaction : Babylone

archive : Marduk-remanni

type de texte : contrat de mariage

résumé :

Contrat de mariage entre fBulliṭ-iššu, fille de Nādin-ahi/Šamaš-ēṭir et fAmat-Nanāya ; et Bēl-bullissu, le fils aîné de Marduk-rēmanni/Bēl-uballiṭ/Ṣāhit-ginê. Description du quppu et de la dot de la future mariée. Il est fait mention que Marduk-rēmanni sera responsable de l’alimentation, du soin et de l’habillement de fBulliṭ-iššu.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2014

date de mise en ligne : 10 février 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

Idamar.utu-re-man-ni dumu [šá Iden-tiniṭ a ì.sur-gi.na]

i-na hu-ud lìb-bi-šú a-˹na˺ [Isumna-šeš]

dumu šá Idutu-sur ù fgéme-dna-na-a dam-˹šú˺

ka-a-mu iq-bi um-ma fbul-liṭ-iš-šú

dumu.munus-ku-nu ba-tul-tu4 a-na Iden-bul-liṭ-su [dumu-ia]

galú in-na-a-ma lu-ú áš-šá-tu4

ši-i Imu-šeš ù fgéme-dna-na-a ˹dam˺-[šú]

Idamar.utu-re-man-ni iš-mu-i-ma

fbul-liṭ-iš-šú dumu.munus-su-nu ba-tul-tu4

a-na áš-šu-tu a-na Iden-bul-liṭ-su dumu šá

Idamar.utu-re-man-ni id-din-nu-u

Isumna-šeš i-na hu-ud lìb-bi-šú

4 ma-na kù.babbar babbarú nu-uh-hu-tú šá ina 1 gín bit-qa

a-di 1 ma-na kù.babbar qu-up-pu-šú 6 gín kù.gi

6 gi.meš é ki kul-la-bi šá qé-reb

eki da é Iú-bar ù sila rap-šú

mu-ta-qu dgašan tin.tirki

fa-na-ugu-dna-na-a-tak-lak ù

fit-ti-dnin.líl-i-ni-ia dumu.munus-ti-šú

ù ú-de-e <é> it-ti fbul-liṭ-iš-šú

dumu.munus-ti-šú a-na nu-dun-nu-ú a-na

<<a-na>> Iden-bul-liṭ-su dumu šá Idamar.utu-re-man-ni

i-nam-din u4-mu šá Iden-bul-liṭ-su

fbul-liṭ-iš-šú i-ha-za kù.babbar kù.˹gi˺

gi.meš lú ù ú-de-e é Isum˹na˺-[šeš]

a-ki-i imdub nu-dun-ni-šú Isumna-šeš

a-na Iden-bul-liṭ-su i-nam-din pu-ut

ip-ri piš-šá-tu4 ù lu-bu-uš-tu4

šá fbul-liṭ-iš-šú dumu.munus šá Isumna-šeš

Idamar.utu-re-man-ni ad šá Iden-bul-liṭ-su na-ši


i-na ka-nak imdub šu-ma-a-ta


igi Iden-a-mu dumu šá Idùg.ga-ia ˹dumu˺ šá-na-ši-šú

Idag-na-din-mu dumu šá Idag-re-[man]-ni

Iden-it-tan-nu dumu šá Iú-bal-liṭ-su-dgu-la

dumu sanga-dgašan-tin.tirki

Id30-dingir dumu šá Ila-a-ba-š[i dumu] Ibi-ib-bu-ú-a

Iden-it-tan-nu dumu šá Itab-né-e-a dumu Ie-gi-bi

Iden-it-tan-nu dumu šá Ibašá-damar.utu dumu Iur-dšeš.ki

Ini-din-tu4-den dumu šá Idag-zu-qu-pu-du

Iden-a-mu dumu šá Išu-zu-bu

Idutu-tiniṭ dumu šá Ini-din-tu4

Iden-sumna dumu šá I˹x˺-[x]-˹x˺-[x]

dumu Iši-gu-ú-a


one line blank

Iden-mu dub.s[ar dumu šá x  x  x ]

tin.˹tir˺[ki itix ud.x.kam mu.x.kam]

Ida-[ri-ia-muš lugal eki lugal kur.kur]



Marduk-rēmanni/[Bēl-uballiṭ/Ṣāhit-ginê] voluntarily spoke to Nādin-ahi/Šamaš-ēṭir and his wife fAmat-Nanāya as follows: Give your daughter, the maiden fBulliṭ-iššu, to my eldest son Bēl-bullissu; let her be a wife”. Nādin-ahi and his wife fAmat-Nanāya listened to Marduk-rēmanni and they gave their daughter, the maiden fBulliṭ-iššu, as wife to Bēl-bullissu, the son of Marduk-rēmanni. (12) Nādin-ahi voluntarily promised to give 4 minas of white scrap silver of 1/8 alloy in addition to one mina of silver of her (fBulliṭ-iššus) chest (quppu), six shekels of gold, a house of six reeds (c. 72 m2) in the Kullab district in Babylon, next to the house of Ubār and the broad processional road of Bēlet-Bābili, (the slave woman) fAna-muhhi-Nanāya-taklāku and her daughter fItti-Ninlil-īnāya, and household goods with his daughter fBulliṭ-iššu as dowry to Bēl-bullissu, the son of Marduk-rēmanni. (23) When Bēl-bullissu marries fBulliṭ-iššu, Nādin-ahi will hand over the silver, the gold, the house, the slaves and the household goods to Bēl-bullissu in accordance with his dowry tablet. (27) Marduk-rēmanni, the father of Bēl-bullissu, is responsible for the feeding, the care and the clothing of fBulliṭ-iššu, the daughter of Nādin-ahi. (31) Present at the sealing of this tablet: (32) Bēl-aplu-iddin/Ṭābia/Ša-nāšišu, Nabû-nādin-šumi/Nabû-rēmanni, Bēl-ittannu/Uballissu-Gula/Šangû-Ištar-Bābili, Sîn-ilī/Lâbâši/Bibbûa, Bēl-ittannu/Tabnēa/Egibi, Bēl-ittannu/Iqīša-Marduk/Ur-Nanna, Nidinti-Bēl/Nabû-zuqup-ēdu, Bēl-aplu-iddin/Šūzubu, Šamaš-uballiṭ/Nidintu, Bēl-iddin/[x]/Šigûa. (44) [Scribe]: Bēl-iddin[//FN]. (45) Babylon, Dar [ (...) ]. 
(15-17) The Kullab district stretched from the Marduk gate, in the east of the city, to Eridu, the religious heart of Babylon (George 1992: 24). The house was located in the western part of Kullab, in the vicinity of the temple of Bēlet-Bābili (Eturkalamma). The sūqu rapšu mūtaqu Bēlet-Bābilithe broad processional road of Bēlet-Bābili”, is not yet attested as such, but it could be the same street which is called sūqu rapšu ša ana tarṣi bāb šūti ša Eturkalamma “the main road that leads to the south gate of Eturkalamma” in Camb 34 (Wunsch 1993 no. 348) and sūq Eturkalamma “the road to Eturkalamma” in the Love Lyrics (George 1992: 307). Iddin-Marduk//Nūr-Sîn, an affinal relative of the Egibis, owned a house in this street in the reign of Cambyses (Camb 341, Wunsch 1993 no. 348). His grandson Marduk-nāṣir-apli//Egibi (Abraham 2004) was married to a woman whose father was in touch with Marduk-rēmanni (MR 43, MR 49; early Dar). 
(31)    According to this clause, the prospective father-in-law had to provide sustenance and clothing to the bride-to-be. This clause is unique in marriage contracts known from this period (Roth 1989 and Wunsch 2003), hinting at an exceptional situation. The bride may have been very young and her father unable to care for her. 
(37)    Bēl-ittannu could be a brother of Kabti-ilāni-Marduk(=Kabtia)/Nabû-tabni-uṣur(=Tabnēa)/Egibi, known from the Egibi archive (see the index of Wunsch 2000a for references). A son of this Kabti-ilāni-Marduk(=Kabtia) is maybe mentioned in MR 140 : 18 (c. Dar 20-29, Babylon): Libluṭ/Kabtia/Egibi. 
(38)    Bēl-ittannu/Iqīša-Marduk/Ur-Nanna is well known from the Egibi archive (see the index of Wunsch 2000a (vol. 2): 284 and Tallqvist 1905: 37), where he is attested between Dar 10 and Dar 21. 

Waerzeggers 2014, p. 319- 320 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2014, p. 17, 59, 100, 152- 155, 313, 322, 407, 409, 412.

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