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<< 22/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 021

numéro(s) : BM 85225 (99-4-15, 32)

date babylonienne : 11-IV-Dar 03
année julienne : 30 juin 519

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Ilia A

type de texte : location d'une prébende

résumé :

Duplicata: BM 85233 (99-4-15, 40). Marduk-šumu-ibni a payé une importante somme d'argent pour les prébendes (3⅓ mines d'argent), montrant que l'héritage de Nabû-kuṣuršu n'est pas seulement réparti entre les membres survivants de la famille, mais vendu au sein de la famille.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 22 avril 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

[[2 u4-mukap-ri šá itigu4? ud].19.kam ud.20.kam 1 u4-mu maš-ti-ti šá itine ud.15.kam

[[2 u4-m]u tar-din-nu šá itisig4 u]d.14.kam ud.15.kam 4 u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš kù.gi itine ud.3.kam ud.5.kam

[itigan ud.27.kam ud.28].kam 2 ud.èš.èš.meš šá kaš.ú.sa sig5 itisig4 ud.24.kam ud.25.kam

[2 dan-nu kù.babbar igi] dag šá é Ilú-dé-a itidu6 ud.8.kam itiše ud.17.kam

[3 dan-nu kù.babbar] igi dli9-si4 itikin ud.4.kam ud.5.kam ud.6.kam

[2 dan-nu]dug la-igi d.gišgigir kuš itikin ud.22.kam itidu6 ud.8sic.kam

[[2]] dugka-ník-ku lu-bu-uš-tu4 dnin.líl itisig4 ud.25.kam

[1] kan-nu é da-é itikin ta ud.16.kam šu.nigin an-nu-ú giš.šub.ba.meš lùnga-ú-tu é.zi.da

é dag ù é.kur.meš šá bára.sipaki ù 1et [šá-pat]-tu4 šá ká né-reb dag šá ina itišu itiapin uitiše

šá Idag-ku-ur-šú a-šú šá Idag-gi a Idingir-ia dumu šeš ad ad šá [Isum]na-dag a-šú šá Idag-en-šú-nu Idingir-ia

ù Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni a-šú šá Išu-la-a a Idingir-ia é-ia-a-ri-tu-tu šá Isumna-dag

a-šú šá Idag-en-šú-nu Idingir-ia šá Isumna-dag a-hi ha.la šá Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni šeš ad-šú

a-šú šá Išu-la-a Idingir-ia ta u4-mu ru-qu-tu ina lìb-bi iš-ku-nu

a-hi ina giš.šub.ba.meš lùnga-ú-tu ù ì.du8-ú-tu ku-mu a-hi ha.la

šá Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni a-ki-i šá-a-ri mah-ru-ú Isumna-dag i-na pa-ni Idamar.utu-mu-dù šeš [ad-šú]

un-da-áš-ši-ir ta u4-mu an-na-a en u4-mu a-a-tu4 a-hi giš.šub.ba.meš lùnga-ú-tu

ì.du8-ú-tu pa-ni Idamar.utu-mu-dù id-da-gal

ù 3⅓ ma.na kù.babbar babbarú ku-mu a-hi giš.šub.ba.meš lùnga-ú-tu ù ì.du8-ú-tu

pu-ut ha.la šá Isumna-dag a-šú šá Idag-en-šú-nu Idingir-ia Isumna-dag i-na qa-ti

Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni šeš ad-šú a-šú šá Išu-la-a a Idingir-ia ma-hi-ir e-i-ir

a-hi giš.šub.ba.meš lùnga-ú-tu ù ì.du8-ú-tu pu-ut ha.la šá Isumna-dag šá it-ti

Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni Isumna-dag a-na u4-mu a-a-tu4 a-na Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni šeš ad-šú

it-ta-din ù kù.babbar a4 3⅓ ma.na babbarú ku-mu a-hi giš.šub.ba.meš lùnga-ú-tu

u ì.du8-ú-tu šá Isumna-dag it-ti Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni Isumna-dag

i-na qa-ti Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni ma-hi-ir e-i-ir

gab-bi pa-ni Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni id-da-gal

[]mu-kin-ni Idag-mu-gin a-šú šá Idamar.utu-mu-[dù] a Iku-du-ra-nu Idag-tin-su-iq-bi

[a-šú šá Id]ag-mu-gin a Iib-na-a-a Iìr-dtaš-me-tu4 a-šú šá Itab-ni-e-a a Idingir-šú-ad-šú

[Idag-kar-zi].meš a-šú šá Ié.zi.da-mu-dù a Iden-ia-ú Idag-kar-zi.meš

[a-šú šá PN] a Isud-ú-a dub.sar Idag-tin-su-iq-bi a-šú šá

[PN a ]é.bar-dag bára.sipaki itišu ud.11.kam mu.3.kam Ida-ri-ia-a-mu-uš

[lugal] tin.tirki lugal kur.kur
[Two days] of the kapru offerings: 19, 20/II?
one day of the maštītu offerings: 15/V
[two da]ys of the tardennu offerings: 14, 15/III
four days of the offerings in golden tilimtu containers: 03 and 05/V, 27 and 28/IX
two eššešu festivals of premium billatu beer: 24 and 25/III
two silver vats in front of Nabû of Bīt-Amēl-Ea: 08/VII and 17/XII
three silver vats in front of Lisi: 04, 05, 06/VI
two earthenware vats in front of the leather Chariot: 22/VI, 08/VII
[2] kanīku bottles of the clothing ceremony of Ninlil: 25/III
one kannu of the temple of Mār-bīti from 16/VI
All this, the brewer’s prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, and the small temples of Borsippa, as well as one fortnight (šapattu) of (the watch at) the entrance gate of Nabû in months IV, VIII and XII - (property) of Nabû-kuṣuršu/Nabû-ušallim/Ilia, the son of the brother of the grandfather of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bēlšunu/Ilia and Marduk-šumu-ibni/Šulā/Ilia, the inheritance of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bēlšunu/Ilia, of which Iddin-Nabû long ago earmarked half a portion for Marduk-šumu-ibni/Šulā/Ilia. (14) (Now) Iddin-Nabû released for Marduk-šumu-ibni, the brother of his father, half of the brewer’s prebend and of the gatekeeper’s prebend, to serve as Marduk-šumu-ibni’s half share, in accordance with the previous record. From this day onwards until forever, half of the brewer’s prebend and of the gatekeeper’s prebend will belong to Marduk-šumu-ibni. (18) And Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bēlšunu/Ilia received from Marduk-šumu-ibni/Šulā/Ilia, the brother of his father, 3⅓ m white silver as compensation for half of the brewer’s prebend and of the gatekeeper’s prebend, the share of Iddin-Nabû. (21) Iddin-Nabû gave forever to Marduk-šumu-ibni half of the brewer’s and gatekeeper’s prebend, the share jointly owned by Iddin-Nabû and Marduk-šumu-ibni. (23) And Iddin-Nabû has fully received from Marduk-šumu-ibni those 3⅓ minas of white silver, instead of half of the brewer’s prebend and of the gatekeeper’s prebend, that Iddin-Nabû held in joint property with Marduk-šumu-ibni. (26) It all belongs to Marduk-šumu-ibni. (27) Witnesses: Nabû-šumu-ukīn/ Marduk-šumu-ibni/Kudurrānu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-šumu-ukīn/Ibnāya, Arad-Tašmētu/Tabnēa/Ilšu-abūšu, Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti/Ezida-šumu-ibni/Bēliya’u, Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti/[PN]/Rīšāya. (30) Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/[PN]/Šangû-Nabû. (31) Bor­sippa, Dar 11-VI-03.
BM 85225 (and duplicate BM 85233) belong to BM 82695 no. 19; see the edition of that text for a discussion of their relationship.
(1-9)     The damaged passages are restored on the basis of the duplicate BM 85233. Passages placed between double brackets are also broken in the duplicate.
(1)         itigu4?: the reading of the month name is uncertain because of damages in BM 85233. It is a small sign and the vertical wedge is still visible. itizíz would also be a possibility.
(2)         Note that the tardennu offerings on 14 and 15/III and the tilimtu offerings on 03 and 05/V are also attested as property of Marduk-šumu-ibni in BM 82615 no. 37 (Dar 19).
(6)         ud.8sic.kam: the duplicate reads ud.28.kam but this is a mistake. Day 08/VII was one of the highlights of Ezida’s cultic calendar, see §3.8.
(7)         [2]: At the clothing ceremony the kanīku was typically presented in a pair; see §3.6.
(8)         kannu: the same type of offering, though in different months (again from day 16 onwards), is mentioned in BM 82615 no. 37 (see §4.3).
(9)         This line offers a rare glimpse into the organization of the gatekeepers in Ezida: like the butchers, their rota was based on the fortnight (šapattu), but unlike any other priesthood of Borsippa – as far as we know at present – they applied the 4-month semester in their roster (IV-VIII-XII), suggesting that originally there were 8 teams of gatekeepers, standing guard during a fortnight every four months.
(14)       “Distant days” is hyperbolic given that Nabû-kuṣuru was only dead for about 6 years.

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 407- 408 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 24, 30- 31, 39, 42, 56, 81, 103, 105, 126, 128, 136, 138- 140, 144- 148, 150- 151, 162, 165, 255, 376, 380, 393, 402- 404, 407, 409, 426, 446, 737.

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