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référence | titre | auteurs | |
NABU 2008-012 | A. A new Neo-Babylonian text concerning the wet nurse | Zawadzki Stefan, Latowski Karol | |
NABU 2005-008 | A Neo-Babylonian text concerning the work in the Ninmah temple | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1992.049 | The date of the death of DariusIand the recognation of Xerxes in Babylonia | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1995.054 | Is there a document dated to the reign of BardiyaII(Vahyazdâta)? | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2001-060 | New Data Concerning High Officers from the Neo-Babylonian Period | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2006-038 | A New Text from Tīl-qaqulli | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1999.016 | Patinnu = TUG2.MURUB4.IB2.LA2 | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1992.081 | YOSXVII113: a document from the time of Nebukadnezzar III | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2020-034 | Erratum to S. Zawadzki, The Rental of Houses in the Neo-Babylonian Period | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2021-057 | Mūtaq dBagaruš: Persian element in the sacral space of Babylon | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2022-031 | Babylonian Miscellanea 1. The date of construction of the Euprates Canal (Nār-Puratti) | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2022-036 | Babylonian Miscellanea 6. The Sun-God Tablet and its(?) clay impressions | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1995.058 | Unusual Writing of Cyrus's Name | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1995.057 | Two «Missing» Documents from the British Museum Collection 83-1-18 Rediscovered | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2005-009 | Šamaš visit to Babylon | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1995.055 | Chronology of the reigns of NebukadnezzarIIIet Nebukadnezzar IV | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 1995.056 | BM 63282 - the Earliest Babylonian Text Dated to the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar IV | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2002-055 | Miscellanea Sipparica | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2020-033 | A New Attestation of Baga-pānu, the assumed governor of Babylonia | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2020-035 | The date of death of Itti-Marduk-balāṭu of the Egibi family | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2022-032 | Babylonian Miscellanea 2. An additional text from the Balīḫû archive | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2022-035 | Babylonian Miscellanea 5. Tablets and envelopes in the Neo-Babylonian periods: some notes on the margin of diplomatics in the first millennium BC | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2022-033 | Babylonian Miscellanea 3. Blacksmithing as a family profession | Zawadzki Stefan | |
NABU 2022-034 | Babylonian Miscellanea 4. The year of death of Itti-Marduk-balāṭu, one more | Zawadzki Stefan |