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<< 208/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 207

numéro(s) : BM 82687 (94-7-17, 5)

date babylonienne : date perdue
année julienne : date perdue

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Rē’i-alpi

type de texte : liste

résumé :

Liste des jours de la prébende de bouvier de Rēmūt-Nabû/Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 23 juin 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

(beginning of obv. lost)
itišu ud.25.kam ud.26.kam [ c. on third of line missing ]
itine ud.18.kam ud.19.kam ud.25?.[kam (c. one third of line missing) ]
itidu6 ud.13.kam ud.14.kam ud.15.kam ud.16.kam ud.17.kam ud.10+[8.kam]
ud.20.1.lá.kam ud.20.kam ud.21.kam ud.22.kam ud.24.kam ud.25.kam ud.28.kam
ud.29.kam pab 14 u4-mu.meš šá itidu6
itiapin ud.7.kam u.8.kam ud.9.kam ud.10.kam ud.11.kam ud.12.kam ud.13.kam
ud.14.kam ud.15.kam ud.16.kam ud.17.kam ud.18.kam ud.20.1.lá.kam pab 13 u4-mu.meš šá itiapin
itigan ud.11.kam ud.12.kam ud.13.kam ud.14.kam ud.15.kam pab 5 u4-mu.meš šáitigan
itiab ud.1.kam ud.2.kam ud.3.kam ud.4.kam ud.5.kam ud.21.kam ud.22.kam
ud.24.kam ud.25.kam ud.28.kam ud.29.kam pab 11 u4-mu.meš šá itiab
[itizíz ud.9.kam] ud.10.kam ud.11.kam ud.12.kam ud.13.kam ud.14.kam ud.15.kam
[itiše ud].14.kam pab 1en u4-mu šá itiše
[pab x+]4 u4-mu.meš šá Ire-mut-dag a-šú šá Idag-gin-numun dumu sipa.gud.meš
[a-na] 3ta mu.an.na.meš Imu-den ù Idag-bul-li-su dumu.[meš šáIgi-mil-dag
[a I]ki-ni-ia man-za-al-la-a-tu4 a-na muh-hi Ire-mut-dag iz-zi-zu-u
pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu šá dag [ma]-a-ar?-tu4 ù la ba-a-al
šá nap-ta-nu šá dag Imu-den ù [Idag-bul-li-su ina šuii Ire-mut-dag] na-šu-ú
u4-mu 3 silà ta-ak-ka-su-ú 3 silà [kaš še.bar u šiz-bi pa-na-at u4-mu ku-mu ú-šu-uz-zu]
šá man-za-la-a-a-ta Imu-den u I[dag-bul-li-su dumu.meš šá Igi-mil-dag]
ik-ka-al-la-a’ ul-tu iti[x mu.y.kam Darius ... ]
Imu-den u Idag-bul-li-su man-za-[al-la-a-tu4 a-na muh-hi Ire-mut-dag iz-zi-zu-u’]
1en pu-ut šá 2i na-šu-ú [na-bal-kát-a-nu ... ]
1en ta a4 ti[ú ... ]
(remainder of rev. broken off)
[Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Rēmūt-Nabû/Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi:]
[month I: ... ]
[month II: ... ]
month IV: 25, 26, [... : in total x days in Du’ūzu (IV)]

month V: 18, 19, 25?, [... : in total x days in abu (V)]

month VII: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, [18], 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 14 days in VII

month VIII: 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: in total 13 days in VIII

month IX: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: in total 5 days in IX

month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 11 days in X

month XI: [09], 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

month XII: 14: in total one day in XII

 (13') [In total: x+] 4 days of Rēmūt-Nabû/Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi. (14') For a period of 3 years, Iddin-Bēl and Nabû-bullissu son[s of] Gimil-Nabû descendant of Kinia will serve in place of Rēmūt-Nabû. (16') Iddin-Bēl and Nabû-bullissu take over the responsibility [from Rēmūt-Nabû] to bring the meal of Nabû, to stand guard and not to interrupt the meals of Nabû. (18') Iddin-Bēl and Nabû-bullissu will enjoy daily 3 l. of takkasû bread, 3 l. of [barley beer and milk, the panāt ūmi, for doing] service. (20') From month x [of year y of Darius] onwards Iddin-Bēl and Nabû-bullissu [will serve in place of Rēmūt-Nabû]. (22') Each assumes responsibility for the other; [...]. (23') Each (party) has taken one (copy of this contract). [remainder of reverse lost]
Summary: Zadok 2009: 252.

Except for surface damage, most tablets of the Oxherd archive survive intact. BM 82687 is one of the few real fragments (i.e. broken in pieces). Another such frag­ment is BM 82686 no. 162, which was deliberately broken in antiquity as a sign of cancellation (see the commentary to BM 82686 no. 162). It is quite likely that this was also the case with BM 82687. Together with BM 26509 no. 191 (and dupls.) and BM 82734 no. 200, it records three attempts by Rēmūt-Nabû/ Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi to hire a deputy for this monster prebend of 134 days. Because of damages, it is not possible anymore to reconstruct the chronology of this dossier. Gaps are restored on the basis of BM 26509 no. 191 (and dupls.) and BM 82734 no. 200. Based on BM26509 no. 191, BE 8 117 no. 197, and the prosopo­graphy of the Oxherd archive, BM 82687 should be dated roughly in the middle of Darius’ reign. 

(13')      An obvious suggestion would be to restore “134 days” in the gap, following BM 26509 no. 191, but as several of the preserved entries of BM 82687 are smaller than the parallel sections of that text, this may not be correct. 
(14'f.)   The brothers Iddin-Bēl and Nabû-bullissu, sons of Gimil-Nabû of the Kinia family, are known from several other archives from Borsippa (esp. among the brewers of Ezida – yet no distinctive profile emerges from these attestations:
– Nabû-bullissu: BM 29678 Dar 11 (witness, Atkuppu archive); BM 26501 no. 205 Xer 01 (witness, Rē’i-alpi archive), VS 3 167 Dar [-] (witness, Mannu-gerūšu archive)
– Iddin-Bēl: BM 26581 Dar 13 (witness, Rē’i-alpi archive), BM 102275 Dar 26 (witness; Ilia A archive), BM 29022 Dar 25 (scribe; archive of Šaddinnu), BM 28897 Dar [-] (witness; unassigned)
– their father (?) Gimillu/Sîn-šumu-iškun/Kinia owed barley to the treasury of Nabû (BM 22192 Nbn 16); he wrote one tablet of the Rē’i-alpi archive (BM 26529 Dar 16).

Note especially that Nabû-bullissu was due more than a talent of salt (BM 103580 no. 48 Dar 16; archive of the slave Balāṭu)


Waerzeggers 2010, p. 666- 667 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 181, 192, 284, 292- 293, 295, 298, 305, 564, 566, 659.

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