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<< 167/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 166

numéro(s) : BM 102276 (1906-5-12, 197)

date babylonienne : 13-X-Camb 06
année julienne : 20 janvier 523

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Rē’i-alpi

type de texte : contrat d'échange

résumé :

Tablette d’échange entre Nabû-nādin-ahi/Nabû-šumu-iškun/Rēš-ummāni et Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi. Il est question d’échange de pièces de viande pour les offrandes contre un esclave. 

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 14 juin 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

rit-tu4 (sic) šu-pil-uš-tu4 (sic) šá Idag-na-din-šeš

dumu-šú šá Idag-mu-garun a Isag-érinni ù

Idag-gin-numun dumu-šú šá Iap-la-a sipa.gud.meš

it-ti a-ha-meš uš-pil-lu Idag-na-din-šeš

[inahu-ud lìb-bi-šú i-na mu.an.na 6 uzux-[x-x] šá udu.níta

uzuzag.lu.meš ù uzuti.meš [x x (x) ri-k]a-su

i-na udu.níta gu-qu-ni-e šá lu-bu-uš-tu4.meš

šá kal-la mu.an.na ma-la ba-šu-[ú]

pa-ni d30 šá é.dim.an.na [x x x?]

«erasure» «ú-šá-ad-gi-il» «erasure»

ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na u4-[mu ṣa-a-tú]

pa-ni Idag-gin-numun a-šú šá Iap-la-a [ú-šad-gil]

ù Idag-gin-numun ina hu-ud [lìb-bi-šú]

Idag-lu-ú-šu(wr. ku)-lum qal-la-[šú]

ik-nu-uk-ku-ma pa-ni Idag-na-[din-šeš]

a-šú šá Idag-mu-garun a Isag-érinni ku-ú [uzu.meš?]

pa-ni d30 ú-šá-ad-gi-il šá it-ta-pal

[x] ma.na kù.babbar ú-šal-lam mu-kin-nu

Idag-na-din-šeš a-šú šá Inumun-ia a Iib-na-a-a

Iden-re-man-ni a-šú šá Iden-numun-dù a sipa.anše.kur.ra

[Idag]-gin-numun a-šú šá Inumun-tin.tirki a simug

[umbisag Itin-s]u a-šú šá Ire-mut šu.ku6

[bára].sipaki itiab ud.13.kam mu.6.kam

[Ikam]-bu-zi-ía lugal eki lugal kur.kur.meš
1en ta a4 il-te-qu-ú

˹Ix x x x x x x˺ (damaged)

˹x x x˺ (damaged)


The tablet of exchange that Nabû-nādin-ahi/Nabû-šumu-iškun/Rēš-ummāni and Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi exchanged with each other:
– Nabû-nādin-ahi voluntarily sealed and gave forever to Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/ Rē’i-alpi: 6 cuts of [x] of mutton, 6 shoulder cuts and rib cuts, [and x], arrangement from the mutton of the offerings at the occasion of the lubuštu cere­monies of the entire year, as many as there are, before Sîn of Etimanna.
– And Nabû-mukīn-zēri voluntarily sealed and gave forever to Nabû-nādin-ahi/ Nabû-šumu-iškun/Rēš-ummāni: his slave Nabû-lū-šulum instead of the [meat?] before Sîn. 
(17) Whoever breaks the contract will have to pay [x] m silver. (18) Witnesses: Nabû-nādin-ahi/Zēria/Ibnāya, Bēl-rēmanni/Bēl-zēru-ibni/Rē’i-sisê, Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Zēr-Bābili/Nappāhu. (22) Scribe: [Balass]u/Rēmūt/Bā’iru. (23) Borsippa, Camb 13-X-06. (25) Each (party) has taken one (copy). (26) PN (broken). 
Cf. IV.1.1, dossier 14.
The slave Nabû-lū-šulum became subject to a complex series of property trans­actions by his master Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi in the reigns of Cyrus and Cambyses. First, in Cyr 05, he was exchanged against a right to draw an income from the offerings to Nanāya (BM 26540 no. 159//BM 82618). By Camb 06 Nabû-lū-šulum was back in his old master’s household; we do not know how. In that year he was exchanged once again for prebendary income (now before Sîn) to Nabû-nādin-ahi/Nabû-šumu-iškun/Rēš-ummāni. This is the transaction recorded in the text presently under discussion, BM 102276. But only two days later a new tablet was drafted about Nabû-lū-šulum (BM 82628). We learn that the new owner Nabû-nādin-ahi (fam. Rēš-ummāni) immediately sold the slave to Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Zēr-Bābili/Nappāhu who acted on behalf of Rēmūt-Nabû, the son of the slave’s initial master. As a result, Nabû-lū-šulum re-entered into his old household two days after he had left, but now as property of the master’s son. The intermediary who pur­chased the slave back for the son was present at the exchange (BM 102276: 21). 
Two further tablets from the Rē’i-alpi archive indicate that this complex affair has its roots in outstanding debts. The first tablet, BM 94977 Cyr 01, takes us right back to the beginning of the affairs between Nabû-mukīn-zēri (fam. Rē’i-alpi) and Nabû-nādin-ahi (fam. Rēš-ummāni), who now appears under a short name Iddinā. Nabû-nādin-ahi took out a loan of silver from Nabû-mukīn-zēri, pledging his right to income from offerings to Sîn ([...] d30 šá é-dim-ma-nu). It is this right which is ex­changed against the slave 14 years later (BM 102276 Camb 06). The exchange thus figures in the settlement of an old debt. However, we would suppose that the loss of the pledge was sufficient to repay the loan. But the creditor gave a slave in return for the pledge, and an intermediary almost immediately purchased back that slave on behalf of the creditor’s son. The reasons behind this manoeuvre are unclear to me. It might be significant that Nabû-nādin-ahi/ Nabû-šumu-iškun/Rēš-ummāni re-appears in the archive about one month later, now as debtor of at least 1,000 bricks that he has to book in Ezida on behalf of Nabû-mukīn-zēri (BM 26657 no. 167 Camb 06). One wonders whether there is a connection with the Nabû-lū-šulum affair? Note that Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Zēr-Bābili/Nappāhu (the intermediary of BM 82686 no. 162) was also present in this last tablet (BM 26657 no. 167). 
(1)         rit-tu4 mistaken for ṭup-pi. A similar mistake occurs in VS 6 173: 2 (rit-ti-šú instead of ṭup-pi-šú); cf. Waerzeggers 2004: 151 n. 11.

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 614- 615 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 31, 108, 138, 152, 262- 264, 271, 563, 606, 617.

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