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<< 158/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 157

numéro(s) : BM 101987 (1905-11-13, 12)

date babylonienne : 08-IX-Cyr 03
année julienne : 29 novembre 536

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Rē’i-alpi

type de texte : partage d'héritage

résumé :

Duplicata: BM 26583 (98-5-14, 401).
Texte concernant la prébende de bouvier et l’héritage de Nabû-šumu-ibni/Marduk-šumu-uṣur/Rē’i-alpi que Nabû-mukīn-apli/Šulā/Šikkûa, le šatammu de l’Ezida, a assignés à Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi sur ordre du roi. 
Les termes de l’accord sont détaillés.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 9 juin 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

giš.šub.ba sipa-ú-tu é.zi.da [é dag]

ù gu-qa-ni-e šá itibára u itizíz pa-ni dna-[na-a]

ù dsu-ti-ti pu-ut ha.la šá Idag-mu-dù a-šú [šá]

Idamar.utu-mu-ùru a sipa.gud.meš šá Idag-gin-eduru šà-tam é.zi.[da]

a-šú šá Išu-la-a a Išik-ku-ú-a a-ki-i qí-ba-at lugal

a-na Idag-gin-numun a-šú šá Iap-la-«erasure»-a

sipa.gud.me id-din-nu ù 1 ma.na kù.babbar níg.ba im-hu-[ru-šú]

u Imu-dag a-šú šá Ina-din sipa.gud.me pa-qa-ra ina muh-hi ir-šu-ú um-[ma giš.šub.ba]

šá Idag-mu-dù šeš ad-ia a-na-ku a-na-áš-ši ár-ki

Idag-gin-numun u Imu-dag a-ha-meš il-tim-mu-[ma]

udu gu-qa-ni-e šá itibára u itizíz ina pa-ni Idag-[gin-numun]

ú-šad-gil-lu ù u4-mu.meš pa-ni Imu-dag [ú-šad-gil-lu]

1en ta a4 gaba-ra-ni-e il-te-[qu-ú]

a-na la e-ni-e niš dpa u damar.utu dingir.meš-šú-nu iz-zak-[ru]

(one blank line)

mu-kin-nu Idag-numun-gi.na a-šú šá Idag-kar-zi.meš

sipa.gud.me Idag-šeš.meš-gi a-šú šá Idag-mu-ùru

sipa.gud.meš Idag-kar-zi.meš a-šú šá Idag-mu-dù a ki.min

Ina-din a-šú šá Itin-su a Inumun-ú-ti-ia

(erased line)

(one blank line)

Idutu-sumna dub.sar a-šú šá Idag-dib-ud.[da a sipa.gud.me]

bára.sipaki itigan ud.8.kam mu.3.kam

Iku-ra-áš lugal tin.tirki lugal kur.[kur]
(Concerning) the oxherd prebend in Ezida, [temple of Nabû], and the (sheep of the) irregular offerings of months I and XI before Nanāya and Sutītu, the inheritance of Nabû-šumu-ibni/Marduk-šumu-uṣur/Rē’i-alpi that Nabû-mukīn-apli/Šulā/Šikkûa, the šatammu of Ezida, assigned to Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi on the orders of the king, and (for which) he received [from him (= Nabû-mukīn-zēri)] a gift of 1 m silver, and about which Iddin-Nabû/Nādin/Rē’i-alpi (later) filed a claim: “[The pre­bend] belonged to Nabû-šumu-ibni, the brother of my father; I should get it!” (9) Later, Nabû-mukīn-zēri and Iddin-Nabû made an agreement with each other and they assigned the sheep of the irregular offerings of month I and XI to Nabû-[mukīn-zēri] and the days (= the oxherd prebend) [they assigned] to Iddin-Nabû. (13) Each (party) has taken a copy. (14) They have sworn by the life of Nabû and Marduk, their gods, not to make any changes (to this agreement). (15) Witnesses: Nabû-zēru-ukīn/ Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti/Rē’i-alpi, Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Nabû-šumu-uṣur/Rē’i-alpi, Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti/Nabû-šumu-ibni of the same family, Nādin/Balassu/Zērūtia. (20) Scribe: Šamaš-iddin/Nabû-mušētiq-ud[di/Rē’i-alpi]. (21) Borsippa, Cyr 08-IX-03. 
BM 101987 and dupl. BM 26583 belong to BM 94641 no. 156 (cf. IV.1.1, dossier 8). 
This last text was written more than a year earlier and records the transfer of 2 guqqû sheep before Nanāya and Sutītu in month Iand ¼ guqqû sheep on 29/XI by Iddin-Nabû/Nādin/Rē’i-alpi to Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi. The background of this transaction is not explained in the text. No reference is made to the decision of the king, or to any contestation or dispute between the two parties. However, the fact that Iddin-Nabû as donor was submitted to an oath by the gods in order to pre­vent him from making any future changes, does seem to indicate that the affair had a complicated history. It is likely that part of the settlement proposed in ll.11-12 of BM 101987 was already agreed upon a year earlier with BM 94641 no. 156, when Nabû-mukīn-zēri received the rights to the blood offerings from Iddin-Nabû. This means that we have to date the beginning of the affair, with the order of the king and the subsequent contestation by Iddin-Nabû, before BM 94641 no. 156. Most of BM 101987 recapitulates a story that had taken place more than a year earlier; the reason for its existence may be revealed in the last section of the document where Iddin-Nabû is awarded the ownership rights to the prebend. This information is new compared to the earlier agreement contained in BM 94641 no. 156.
       Gaps are restored on the basis of the duplicate, BM 26583. See also Zadok 2009: 66-7 for a translation of BM 26583.

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 602 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 44, 73, 85, 107, 133, 295, 358, 559, 601- 603. 

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