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<< 140/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 139

numéro(s) : BM 26479 (98-5-14, 297)

date babylonienne : 18-II-Ner 02
année julienne : 20 mai 558

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Rē’i-alpi

type de texte : liste

résumé :

Liste de sommes d’argent, appartenant au dieu Nabû, données le 18/ii de la seconde année de règne de Neriglissar, à Nabû-zēru-ibni et aux travailleurs de la « maison des bouviers » pour les briques du mur de l’Ezida le long de la rivière. 

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 7 juin 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

3 ma.na kù.babbar níg.ga dpa.man.šú šá ud.18.kam šá itigu4

mu.2.kam Idu.gur-lugal-ùru lugal tin.tirki a-na sig4.hi.a

šá a-na uš šá é.zi.da šá ús.sa.du íd

a-na Idag-numun-ib-ni ù érin.meš šá é sipa.gud.meš sumna

1 ma.na kù.babbar ina lìb-bi Idag-numun-dù it-ta-ši

2 ma.na kù.babbar érin.meš šá é sipa.gud.meš ú-za-a’-zu

⅚ ma.na érin.meš šá itibára ina šuii Idag-dub-numun

u Idag-gin-numun a-šú šá Iaa a-na érin.meš šá itibára šu-bul

⅚ ma.na érin.meš šá itigu4 Idag-mu-še-ti-iq-ud.da

Idamar.utu-sur u Iki-na-a it-ta-šu-ú

ina lìb-bi 15½ gín gír-u lá kù.babbar a-di hum-mu-šú pa-ri-du

ina šuii Idag-dib-ud.da u Idamar.utu-sur a-na

Imu-ùru a-šú šá Ire-mut šu-bul a-di kù.babbar šá itibára

pu-ut ha.la šá Idag-kar-zi.meš

⅚ ma.na kù.babbar pu-ut ha.la šá érin.meš šá itisig4

ina šuii Iki-na-a a-šú šá Idu.gur-ú-še-zib

ù Ire-mut a-šú šá Ina-din šu-bul

13 gín šul-lul-ti 1 gín kù.babbar a-di 6u’ pa-ri-du

pu-ut [ha].la šá Idag-kar-zi.[meš] šá it-ti érin.meš

šá iti[x] 6½ gín 6u’ [pa-ri-duina lìb-bi

Idag-dib-ud.da Idamar.utu-sur

Iki-na-a u Imu-ùru a-šú šá I[re-mutit-ta-šu-ú

mu-kin-nu Idamar.utu-sur a-šú [šá IdGN]-šeš?-mu a Idingir-ba-ni

Iaa a-šú šá Idag-mu-garun a Iba-si-ia

Ibul-ṭa-a a-šú šá Ilu-è-‹ana›-zálag a Iba-bu-tu

umbisag Idamar.utu-sur a-šú šá Idamar.utu-mu-dù

sipa.gud.meš bára.sipaki

itigu4 ud.18.kam mu.2.kam

[Id]u.gur-lugal-ùru lugal tin.tirki
Three m silver, property of Nabû “King-of-the-World,” given on 18/II of the second year of Neriglissar king of Babylon to Nabû-zēru-ibni and the workers of the “house of the oxherds” for bricks for the wall of Ezida alongside the river:

Nabû-zēru-ibni took 1 m of silver from this amount. The workers of the house of the oxherds will divide 2 m of silver.
⅚ m silver, (for) the workers of month I: it is sent to the workers of month I by the hands of Nabû-šāpik-zēri and Nabû-mukīn-zēri son of Aplā.
⅚ m silver, (for) the workers of month II: Nabû-mušētiq-uddi, Marduk-ēṭer and Kīnā took (it).
Of this amount, 151½ m 4 š with ⅕ (š) parīdu is sent to Šumu-uṣur son of Rēmūt through Nabû-mušētiq-uddi and Marduk-ēṭer. Including the silver of month I, share of Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti.
⅚ m silver, share of the workers of month III: it is sent in the hands of Kīnā son of Nergal-ušēzib and Rēmūt son of Nādin.
13⅓ š with ⅙ (š) parīdu, the share of Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti, who is with the workers of month [x]. 6½ š and ⅙ [parīdu] of this amount: Nabû-mušētiq-uddi, Marduk-ēṭer, Kīnā and Šumu-uṣur son of [Rēmūt] took (it).

Witnesses: Marduk-ēṭer/[GN]-ahu?-iddin/Ilī-bāni, Aplā/Nabû-šumu-iškun/Basia, Bulṭā/Lūṣi-ana-nūri/Babūtu. Scribe: Marduk-ēṭer/Marduk-šumu-ibni/Rē’i-alpi. Bor­sippa, Ner 18-II-02.

Cf. IV.1.1, dossier 3. Summary: Zadok 2009: 126.
The accounting of this text poses problems. Each of the three work units of the oxherds is given ⅚ m but it is unclear how the total of 2½ m of silver relate to the 1 m “that Nabû-zēru-ibni took” (l.5) and the 2 m “that the house of the Oxherds divide between themselves” (l.6). Moreover, the whereabouts of the remaining 30 š of the grand total of 3 m of silver mentioned in the heading are also unclear. The most likely solution is that the scribe made a mistake in l.18, meaning to write 23⅓ š instead of 13⅓ š. In that case the amounts mentioned in l.18-20 add up to 30 š. 
(11)       Beaulieu 1997: 389 discussed the word parīdu (also ll.18, 20), which is only found in NB silver accounts from Borsippa and Uruk so far (cf. also CAD P 185). He suggested that the word denotes a quality of silver, hence “silver crushed into nuggets or granules,” based on its Aramaic root “to scatter, separate.” In addition to being a quality it also denoted the aim for which the silver was expended, as in VS 6 316: 3-7, one of the detailed accounts of silver expenses from the Ilšu-abūšu A archive, where the following posts were deducted from a principal amount of 35 š silver: 1½ š of silver paid to a person, ¼ š of silver paid for fish and ¼ š (paid for/as) parīdu. The deduction yielded 33 š of silver, showing that parīdu was an expense in this case. 

(13-4) Nabû-ēṭer-napšāti’s position in the division scheme is problematic. He was attached to the workers of the first month, yet his share is mentioned as part of the funds of the workers of the second month (ll.13-14). It is possible that this was somehow compensated in the last section of the tablet (ll.18-xx) where the leaders of the workers of the second month receive a part of his share of 13⅓ š of silver. 


Waerzeggers 2010, p. 580 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 20, 288, 339- 344, 555, 582, 743.

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