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Inscription de Mnésimachos

Inscription de Mnésimachos

lieu : Sardes, Lydie (Turquie)
datation : copie tardive d’un texte daté du roi Antigone (306-301)

editio princeps : Buckler-Robinson (1912).

autres éditions : Buckler-Robinson (1932), n° 1; Atkinson (1972); Billows (1995)

auteur de la fiche : Pierre Briant

date de mise en ligne : 21 juillet 2000
date de dernière mise à jour : 15 mai 2014

Colonne I
[- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ca. 36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -] ἐπερωτήσαντος Χαιρέο[υ ὑπ]ὲ[ρ τούτ]ω[ν διαι]έσε[ως]
[γεγενημένη]ς̣ καὶ ὕστερον ἐπέκρινέ μοι τὸν οἶκον Ἀντίγονος· ἐπειδὴ νῦν οἱ νεωποῖαι τὸ χρυσίον τῆς
[παρακαταθή]κ̣ης τὸ τῆς Ἀρτέμιδος ἀπαιτοῦσιν παρ’ ἐμοῦ, ἐγὼ δὲ οὐκ ἔχω πόθεν ἀποδώσω αὐτοῖς, ἔστι οὖν
[τὸ καθ’ ἓν το]ῦ οἴκου κῶμαι αἵδε (αἳ) καλοῦνται Τοβαλμουρα κώμη ἐν Σαρδιανῶι πεδίωι ἐν Ἴλου ὄρει· προσκύρουσι δὲ
[πρὸς τὴν κώ]μ̣ην ταύτην καὶ ἄλλαι κῶμαι ἣ καλεῖται Τανδου καὶ Κομβδιλιπια, φόρος τῶν κωμῶν εἰς τὴν Πυθέου
[. . . . . . χ]ιλιαρχίαν τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ χρυσοῖ πεντήκοντα· ἔστι δὲ καὶ κλῆρος ἐν Κιναροα πλησίον Τοβαλμουρα,
[φόρος το]ῦ̣ ἐνιαυτοῦ χρυσοῖ τρεῖς· ἔστι δὲ καὶ ἄλλη κώμη Περιασασωστρα ἐν Μορστου ὕδατι, φόρος εἰς τὴν
[. . . . . . . .]αρίου χιλιαρχίαν τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ χρυσοῖ πεντήκοντα ἑπτά· ἔστι δὲ καὶ (ἐν) Μορστου ὕδατι κλῆρος
ἐν Να̣γριοα, φόρος εἰς τὴν Σαγαρίου Κορειδος χιλιαρχίαν χρυσοῖ τρεῖς ὀβολοὶ χρυσίου τέσσαρες· ἔστι δὲ
καὶ ἄλλη κώμη ἐν Ἀττούδδοις ἣ καλεῖται Ἴλου κώμη, φόρος τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ χρυσοῖ τρεῖς ὀβολοὶ χρυσίου τρεῖς·
ἐκ πασῶν οὖν τῶν κωμῶν καὶ ἐκ τῶν κλήρων καὶ τῶν οἰκοπέδων προσκυρόντων καὶ τῶν λαῶν πανοικίων
σὺν τοῖς ὑπάρχουσιν καὶ τῶν ἀγγείων τῶν οἰνηρῶν καὶ τοῦ φόρου τοῦ ἀργυρικοῦ καὶ τοῦ λητουργικοῦ καὶ τῶν
ἄλλων τῶν γινομένων ἐκ τῶν κωμῶν καὶ χωρὶς τούτων ἔτι πλέον, τῆς διαιρέσεως γενομένης,
ἐξαίρημα ἔλαβεν Πύθεος καὶ Ἄδραστος ἐν Τβαλμουροις αὐλήν, καὶ ἔξω τῆς αὐλῆς εἰσιν οἰκίαι τῶν
λαῶν καὶ τῶν οἰκετῶν καὶ παράδεισοι δύο σπόρου ἀρταβῶν δεκαπέντε, καὶ ἐν Περιασασωστροις
οἰκόπεδα σπόρου ἀρταβῶν τριῶν καὶ παράδεισοι σπόρου ἀρτα(β)ῶν τριῶν καὶ οἰκέται οἱ κατοικοῦντες
ἐν τούτωι τῶι τόπωι, ἐν Τβαλμουροις Ἔφεσος Ἀδράστου, Καδοας Ἀδράστου, Ἡρακλείδης Βελετρου,
Τυιος Μανεου Καΐκου, ἐν Περιασασωστροις οἱ κατοικοῦντες Καδοας Αρμανανδου, Ἄδραστος Μανεου

Colonne II
[- - - - - - - - ca. 16 - - - - - - - -] μηθ]ὲ̣[ν ἐξέστω μή]τ̣ε̣ ἐμοὶ μήτ̣ε̣ [τοῖς ἐμοῖς ἐκγόνοις μήτ]ε̣ [- - - - - ca. 10 - - - - - -]
μήτε ἄλ(λ)ωι μηθενὶ μηκέτι ἀπολύσασθαι· καὶ ἐάν τις ἐμποιῆται ὑπέρ τινος τῶν κωμῶν ἢ τῶν κλήρων
ἢ ὑπὲρ τῶν ἄλλων τῶν ὧδε γεγραμμένων ἐγὼ καὶ οἱ ἐμοὶ ἔκγονοι βεβαιώσομεν καὶ τὸν ἀντιποιούμενον
ἐξαλλάξ(ο)μεν, ἐὰν δὲ μὴ βεβαιώσωμεν ἢ παρὰ τὴν συγγραφὴν παραβαίνωμεν τήνδε γεγραμμένην
ἐπ[ὶ] τὰς κώμας καὶ τοὺς κλήρους καὶ τὰ χωρία καὶ τοὺς οἰκέτας ἅπαντας εἰς τὰ Ἀρτέμιδος ἐχέτωσαν,
καὶ οἱ νεωποιοὶ ὑπὲρ τούτων ἐκδικαιούσθωσαν καὶ κρινέσθωσαν πρὸς τοὺς ἀντιποιουμένους
ὡς ἄν βούλωνται, καὶ ἐγὼ Μνησίμαχος καὶ οἱ ἐμοὶ ἔκγονοι ἀποτείσομεν εἰς τ(ὰ) Ἀρτέμιδος
χρυσοῦς δισχιλίους ἐξακοσίους πεντήκοντα, καὶ ὑπὲρ τῶν γενηματῶν καὶ τῶν καρπῶν
ἐὰν μὴ καρπεύσωνται ἐν ἐκείνωι τῶι ἔτει εἰς τὰ Ἀρτέμιδος ὁπόσου οὖν χρυσίου ἄξια ἦι καὶ ταῦτα
ἀποδώσομεν, καὶ τῶν οἰκοδομη(μά)των καὶ φυτευμάτων τῶν τῆς Ἀρτέμιδος ἢ ἄλλο τι ὅ τι ἄν ποιήσωσιν
ὅσου χρυσίου ἄξια ἦι τὴν ἀξίαν ἀποδώσομεν, μέχρι δὲ ὅσου μὴ ἀποδῶμεν ἔστω ἡμῖν ἐν παρακαταθήκηι
τέως ἄν ἅπαν ἀποδῶμεν· ἐὰν δὲ τὰς κώμας ἢ τοὺς κλήρους ἢ τῶν ἄλλων τι τῶν ὑποκειμένων
ἐὰν ὁ βασιλεὺς ἀφέληται τῆι Ἀρτέμιδι διὰ Μνησίμαχον, τὸ χρυσίον οὖν τὸ ἀρχαῖον τὴν παρακαταθήκην
τοὺς χιλίους τριακοσίους εἰκοσιπέντε χρυσοῦς αὐτοὶ παραχρῆμα ἀποδῶσομεν εἰς τὰ Ἀρτέμιδος
ἐγὼ Μνησίμαχος καὶ οἱ ἐμοὶ ἔκγονοι, καὶ τῶν οἰκοδομημάτων καὶ φυτευμάτων τῆς Ἀρτέμιδος
ὅσου ἄν ἄξια ἦι τὴν ἀξίαν ἀποδώσομεν παραχρῆμα, καὶ ὑπὲρ τῶν γενημάτων καὶ τῶν καρπῶν
ἐὰν μὴ καρπεύσωνται ἐν ἐκείνωι τῶι ἔτει εἰς τὰ Ἀρτέμιδος ὁπόσου ἄν χρυσίου ἄξια ἦι καὶ ταῦτα
ἀποδώσομεν, μέχρι δὲ ὅσου μὴ ἀποδῶμεν ἔστω ἐν ἐμοὶ ἐν παρα(κα)ταθήκηι καὶ ἐν τοῖς ἐμοῖς ἐκγόνοις
ἕως ἄν ἅπαν ἀποδῶμεν εἰς τὰ Ἀρτέμιδος· καὶ ἡ πρᾶξις τέως ἄν ἐξ ἡμῶν μήπω γένηται ἐξεῖναι.
(Col. I)
… Chaireas having made inquiry… and afterwards Antigonus awarded the estate to me. Whereas now the temple-wardens are demanding from me the gold lent on deposit and belonging to Artemis, but I have no funds wherewith to pay it to them, there are then the items of which the estate consist ; to wit, the villages named as follows : Tobalmoura, a village in the Sardian plain on the Hill of Ilus, and as appurtenances thereto other villages also : Tandus’, as it is called, and Kombdilipia ; the rent payable by the said villages to the chiliarchy of Pytheus… is fifty gold staters a year. There is also an allotment at Kinaroa near Tobalmoura. Its rent three gold staters a year. There is also another village, Periasasostra, in the River District of Morstas ; its rent, payable to the chiliarchy of… arius, is fifity-seven old staters a year. There is also in the River District of Morstas an allotment at Na [g] rioa ; its rent, payable to the chiliarchy of Sagarius, son of Koreis, is three gold staters and four gold obols. There is also another village in the district of Attoudda called Ilus’ village ; its rent is three gold staters and three gold obols. Now from all the villages, and from the allotments and the dwelling-plots thereto appertaining, and from the serfs with all their households and belongings, and from the wine-vessels and the dues rendered in money and in labor, and from the revenues of other kinds accruing from the villages and still more besides these, when the division took place, Pytheus and Adrastus received as their separate property a farmstead at Tobalmoura ; and outside the farmstead are the houses of the serfs and slaves, and two gardens requiring fifteen artabas of seed, and at Periasasostra dwelling-plots requiring three artabas of seed, and gardens requiring three artabas of seed, as well the slaves dwelling at that place : at Tobalmoura, Ephesus, son of Adrastus ; Kadoas, son of Adrastus ; Heracleides, son of Beletras ; Tuius, son of Maneus the son of Caïcus ; also those dwelling at Periasasostra, Kadoas son of Armanandes, Adrastus son of Maneus…

(Col. II)
neither to me [nor to my heirs, nor…]… nor to anyone else any longer the right of redemption. Should any person lay claim to any of the villages or of the allotments or to the other things here specified in writing, I and my heirs will act as warrantors and will oust the claimant. If, howerver, we shall fail so to act, or if we shall commit any breach of the contract hereby drawn up in respect to the villages and the allotments and the lands and all the slaves, these shall remain the property of Artemis, and the temple-wardens shall on account of the same conduct legal proceedings and obtain judgment against the claimants in any way that they may see fit ; and I Mnesimachus and my heirs will pay to the treasury of Artemis 2650 gold staters ; and on account of the produce and of the fruits, should the temple-wardens receive no fruits in that year, we will further pay to the treasury of Artemis such sum in gold as the same may be worth ; and the value of the buildings erected and of the lands brought under cultivation by Artemis, or of such other things as the temple-wardens may do, whatever the same may be worth in gold, we will pay ; and so long as we shall not have paid, the debt shall constitute a deposit-loan owing by us till we shall have paid the whole amount. Should the king on account of Mnesimachus take away from Artemis the villages or the allotments or any of the other things mortgaged, then the principal in gold of the deposit-loan, namely the 1325 gold staters, we ourselves — I Mnesimachus and my heirs — will forthwith pay to the treasury of Artemis ; and the value of the buildings erected and of the lands brought under cultivation by Artemis, whatever they may be worth, we will pay forthwith ; and on account of the produce and the fruits, should they receive non fruits in that year, we will further pay to the treasury of Artemis such sum in gold as the same may be worth ; and so long as we shall not have paid, the debt shall constitute a deposit-loan owing by me and my heirs until we shall have paid the whole to the treasury of Artemis ; and so long as this still remains unpaid by us execution shall be lawful. »

Trad. William Hepburn Buckler - David Moore Robinson

K.M.T. Atkinson, « A Hellenistic land-conveyance : the estate of Mnesimachus in the plain
of Sardis », Historia 21/1 (1972) : 45-74
R.A. Billows, Antigonos the One-Eyed and the creation of the Hellenistic State, Univ.
of California Press (1990) : 279, n.69 [date haute à la suite de Debord (1982)], 282-283,
R.A.Billows, Kings and colonists. Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism (CSCT 22), Leiden-New York-Köln (1995) : 111-145 (texte, traduction, commentaire)
P. Briant, Rois, tributs et paysans, Paris (1982), cf. Index p. 516
P. Briant, Histoire de l’empire perse, Paris (1996), Index p. 1190 (s.v. Mnésimachos) et 1235
(s.v. Sardis VII.1.1.)
H.V. Buckler-D.M. Robinson, « Greek inscriptions of Sardes I», AJA 26 (1912) : 15-84
H.V. Buckler-D.M. Robinson, Sardis VII : Greek and Latin inscriptions, Leiden (1932) : 1-7
M. Corsaro, Oikonomia del re et oikonomia del satrapo. Sull’administrazione della chôra basilike d’Asia Minore dagli Achemenidi agli Attalidi », ASNP, ser. III, vol. X/4 (1980) :
P. Debord, Aspects et sociaux et économiques de la vie religieuse dans l’Anatolie gréco-romaine, Leiden (1982) : 244-251 (date haute : Antigone Ier)
R. Descat, « Mnésimachos, Hérodote et le système tributaire achéménide », RÉA 85/1-2 (1985) : 97-112
F. Papazoglou, Laoi et paroikoi. Recherches sur la structure de la société hellénistique, Beograd (1997) : 41-47 (bibliographie, p. 41-42)
T. Zawadski, « La date de l’inscription de Mnésimachos », in : Charisteria Th. Sinko… oblata, Varsaviae-Wratislaviae (1951) : 395-401 (date basse)
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