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Susa: The Palace of Darius, the Foundations
plan de la visite
General View of the Site
General View of the Site
<b>City Wall</b>
City Wall
<b>Darius Gate</b>
Darius Gate
<b>Palace of Darius</b>
Palace of Darius
<i>Palace foundations</i>
Palace foundations

Susa: The Palace of Darius, the Foundations

Darius’s architects undertook a mammoth task to found the Palace. They levelled the tip of the tell and the earth produced was scattered at the outskirts of the tell to create an esplanade measuring 12 hectares. It was contained by retaining walls, which have only been recognised to the east and the west. To the north, the wall collapsed soon after the Achaemenid era, bringing down the north portico of the Apadana. To the south it has not been found, despite the endeavours of the first excavators, who were convinced that the main entrance was located on that side.

To found the walls and columns, trenches of varying depths (measuring 5 to almost 10 m) were dug in the Elamite archaeological levels or older levels, sometimes down to the ground of the natural hill, approximately 7 m above the plain. On the periphery, these trenches were re-dug in the earth that was dispersed to create the terrace. The sides of the trenches were slightly slanted and were faced with a vertical wall of mud bricks. They were then filled with gravel. A layer of gravel measuring 0.60 m was then uniformly spread on the sites of the walls, columns and floors of the courtyards and rooms. When an entire wall elevation has disappeared, the foundations show where it was located. Likewise, the preserved stone door sockets supports show where the doors stood and how wide they were.

Rémy Boucharlat / 2014
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The Palace of Darius, the Foundations
vues associées
Construction of the Terrace
Construction of the Terrace
West Retaining Wall
West Retaining Wall
Northwest Retaining Wall
Northwest Retaining Wall
Plan of the Drainage Channels
Plan of the Drainage Channels
Block of Stone
Block of Stone
Southern Reservoir of the Residence
Southern Reservoir of the Residence
site map