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This section can be used to search for Babylonian texts from their publication reference. The reference style adopted here is that of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary (volume 20 U and W, List of Bibliographical Abbreviations, p. vii-xxix). An exception is made for texts published in Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler, they are abbreviated to VS instead of the abbreviation VAS found in the DCA.
BE 9 ; BE 10 ; Camb ; CT 44 ; CT 55 ; CTMMA 3 ; Cyr ; Dar ; PBS 2/1 ; UCP 9/3 ; VS 3 ; VS 4 ; VS 5 ; VS 6 ; YOS 7.
Publications in journal articles, monographs or collective works are referenced by the name of the author + title (abbreviated title or series). For example, the abbreviation Stolper JCS 53 corresponds to the article M. W. Stolper, "Fifth-Century Nippur: Texts of the Murašûs and from their surroundings", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 53, pp. 83-132, (13 published texts).
Jursa, Bel-remanni ; Stolper, Entrepreneurs and empire ; Stolper JCS 53 ; Wunsch, Egibi.
Finally, the Miscellaneous category brings together texts from ad hoc publications (for example, texts published in the journal NABU).