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title | date | publication | authors | |||
The Ancient Near East and the genre of Greek historiography | 05/13/2014 | R. Rollinger / E. van Dongen (ed.), Mesopotamia in the Ancient World: Impact, Continuities, Parallels, Melammu Symposia 7, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag 2014 | Birgit Gufler, Irene Madreiter | |||
Gender and Sex | 05/05/2014 | B. Jacobs, R. Rollinger (eds.), A companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 2 vols., (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World), Malden, MA; Oxford; Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell | Irene Madreiter, Kordula Schnegg | |||
The Military Dimension of Hellenistic Kingship: An Achaemenid Inheritance? | 08/20/2013 | Forthcoming | Christopher J. Tuplin | |||
Cyrus the Great, Exiles and Foreign Gods : A Comparison of Assyrian and Persian Policies on Subject Nations | 06/20/2013 | Wouter Henkelman, Charles Jones, Michael Kozuh and Christopher Woods (eds.), Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper. Oriental Institute Publications. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. | Robartus J. van der Spek | |||
Berossos - a bibliography | 09/14/2012 | J. Haubold, G.B. Lanfranchi, R. Rollinger & J. Steele (eds.), The World of Berossos (Classica et Orientalia 5), Wiesbaden. | Irene Madreiter, Birgit Gufler | |||
Sailing to Pasargadae | 09/05/2012 | T. Daryaee & A. Mousavi (eds.), Excavating an Empire: Achaemenid Persia in Longue Durée | Daniel T. Potts | |||
Altorientalisches bei Herodot | 02/28/2012 | B. Dunsch, K. Ruffing (edd), Herodots Quellen. Die Quellen Herodots. Herodot-Forschung 40 Jahre nach Detlev Fehlings « Die Quellenangaben bei Herodot » (Classica et Orientalia 6), Wiesbaden 2012, in preparation. | Robert Rollinger | |||
Astyages, Cyrus and Zoroaster: Solving a Historical Dilemma | 11/25/2011 | Iran (2012) | Abolala Soudavar | |||
Iran and the Classical World (résumés/abstracts) | 09/26/2011 | E. Rung, O. Gabelko (edd.), Iran and the Classical World: Political, Cultural and Economic Contacts of Two Civilizations: abstracts of papers of international conference (Kazan, 14–16 September 2011), Kazan: Kazan University, 2011. | Oleg Gabelko, Eduard Rung | |||
Von Herodot zur angeblichen Verödung babylonischer Stadtviertel in achaimenidischer Zeit | 08/30/2011 | R. Rollinger/B. Truschnegg/R. Bichler (Hg.): Herodot und das Persische Weltreich. Herodotus and the Persian Empire (Classica et Orientalia CLeO Band 3) Wiesbaden | Walter Kuntner, Sandra Heinsch, Robert Rollinger | |||
Herodotus and Babylon Reconsidered | 08/30/2011 | R. Rollinger/B. Truschnegg/R. Bichler (Hg.): Herodot und das Persische Weltreich. Herodotus and the Persian Empire (Classica et Orientalia CLeO Band 3) Wiesbaden | Amélie Kuhrt, Josef Wiesehöfer, Wouter F.M. Henkelman, Robert Rollinger | |||
Herodot und die Stadtmauern Babylons | 08/30/2011 | R. Rollinger/B. Truschnegg/R. Bichler (Hg.): Herodot und das Persische Weltreich. Herodotus and the Persian Empire (Classica et Orientalia CLeO Band 3) Wiesbaden | Walter Kuntner, Sandra Heinsch | |||
Cyrus the Great as a “King of the City of Anshan” | 06/28/2011 | D. Akbarzadeh (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Conference « Iran and the Silk Road », Tehran. | Antigoni Zournatzi | |||
Herrscherkult und Königsvergöttlichung bei Teispiden und Achaimeniden | 04/04/2011 | L.-M. Günther und S. Plischke (Hg.), Religiöse Traditionen und Innovationen zwischen Indus und Adria (Oikumene. Studien zur antiken Weltgeschichte), Berlin. | Robert Rollinger | |||
The Palace of Vouni (Cyprus): An Achaemenid Perspective | 09/06/2010 | Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Ancient Cultural Relations between Iran and West Asia (Tehran 16-18 Aug. 2003) | Antigoni Zournatzi | |||
The Vouni Treasure and monetary practices in Cyprus in the Persian period | 08/24/2010 | K. Liampi and D. Plantzos (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference Coinage/Jewellery, KERMA, Athens. | Antigoni Zournatzi | |||
Asia Minor to the Ionian Revolt | 11/17/2009 | W.H. Metcalf (éd.), Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinages, Oxford, OUP. | Koray Konuk | |||
The Payment of the ekklesiastikon at Iasos | 11/17/2009 | R. van Bremen (éd.), First International Symposium on Hellenistic Caria, Bordeaux, Ausonius. | Koray Konuk | |||
War Tokens for Silver? | 09/08/2009 | F. de Callataÿ (éd.), Quantifying Monetary Production in Greco-Roman Times, Rome. | Koray Konuk | |||
Ctesias as military historian | 09/03/2009 | J.Wiesehöfer et al. (edd.), Ktesias und der Orient. | Christopher J. Tuplin | |||
All the King's Men | 07/03/2009 | The World of Achaemenid Persia (forthcoming) | Christopher J. Tuplin | |||
Darius Législateur et les Sages de l'Egypte | 05/04/2009 | J. C. Moreno García (éd), Élites et pouvoir en Égypte ancienne, CRIPEL, Lille. | Damien Agut-Labordère | |||
The coinage of Hyssaldomos, Dynast of Mylasa | 04/30/2009 | H. Löhr (éd.), Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Andreas Furtwängler, Berlin. | Koray Konuk | |||
Kasolaba, a New Mint in Karia? | 04/30/2009 | S. Drougou and E. Ralli (ed.), Essays in Honour of Ioannis Touratsoglou, Athens. | Koray Konuk |