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Susa: The Statue of Darius
plan de la visite
General View of the Site
General View of the Site
<b>City Wall</b>
City Wall
<b>Darius Gate</b>
Darius Gate
<i>The Gate - The Building</i>
The Gate - The Building
<i>Statue of Darius</i>
Statue of Darius
<b>Palace of Darius</b>
Palace of Darius

Susa: The Statue of Darius

Discovered by chance on December 24, 1972, the Statue of Darius has become the most famous monument of all the excavations at Susa. Today it is exhibited at the National Museum of Iran in Tehran. Found without a head (its preserved height is 2.46 m), it must have measured close to 3 m tall when complete.

Located against the south wall of the western passage of the Darius Gate, the statue is not at its original location. It was brought back from Egypt by Xerxes, who no doubt had another, symmetrical statue made to stand against the other wall. The rare clues as to the existence of this second statue, in local limestone, are previous discoveries of four fragments: two of a pleated robe, with an inscription attributable to Xerxes; a foot; and the lower part of a bearded face sculpted in the round to the same scale. The Statue of Darius is therefore not the only monument in the round in Achaemenid art. Some even think that there were four statues flanking the two passages through the Gate, a hypothesis that is summed up by O.W. Muscarella (1992).

The Statue of Darius most certainly originated in Egypt, as indicated by analysis of the stone, a grauwacke from Wadi Hammamat, which crosses the desert between Coptos on the Nile and Quseir on the Red Sea. Egypt was also its initial destination. Darius had this monument made to stand in Egypt, as many of the inscriptions on the statue announce. It might have been located halfway between the western Nile and the Bitter Lakes close to the Temple of Atum (Yoyotte 2010).

Rémy Boucharlat / 2014
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The Statue of Darius
vues associées
Archaeological Context
Archaeological Context
The Moment of Discovery
The Moment of Discovery
The Statue on its Foundation
The Statue on its Foundation
Post-Achaemenid Levels
Post-Achaemenid Levels
Darius's Statue (facing)
Darius's Statue (facing)
Central Part of the Statue
Central Part of the Statue
Darius's Statue (left side)
Darius's Statue (left side)
Darius's Statue (back)
Darius's Statue (back)
Darius's Statue (right side)
Darius's Statue (right side)
Stratigraphic Context
Stratigraphic Context
Base of the Statue
Base of the Statue
Upper Face of the Base
Upper Face of the Base
The Crack in the Statue
The Crack in the Statue
objets associés
Bearded head Sb 6734
Bearded head Sb 6734
site map