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Susa: Shaur Palace, Building I, East Portico
plan de la visite
General View of the Site
General View of the Site
<b>Building I</b>
Building I
<i>Hypostyle Hall</i>
Hypostyle Hall
<i>North Portico</i>
North Portico
<i>West Sector</i>
West Sector
<i>East Portico</i>
East Portico
<b>Building II</b>
Building II
<b>Building III</b>
Building III

Susa: Shaur Palace, Building I, East Portico

This inscribed column base was found at the site of the East Portico, which has totally disappeared, but it was not in place. It might also have come from the court of Building II. The lower plinth measures 0.92 m and is interesting for the inscription in Old Persian and Elamite which comes from Artaxerxes son of Darius, i.e., Artaxerxes II (A2Sd), who declares himself the author of this "construction" (ima hadiš). At Susa this inscription is represented by numerous fragments found in various places on the site, in each of the three cuneiform languages of the Empire (Elamite, Old Persian and Akkadian).

This text is famous for it is the only known text that mentions the word paradayadām, which some epigraphists read as Old Persian paridaidām (paradise). The word and the sentence itself (transcribed as ima hadiš taya jīvadi paridaidām akunavam) have been the object of several interpretations over the past 80 years: palace paradise of life; paradise built during my life as a pleasant retreat; I have built during my life, outside the walls; I have built this palace which I have consecrated. If we read "paradise", which is the most appealing hypothesis for Shaur Palace but not the subject of consensus, it would be the "paradise" of the park, a word that has been passed on to European languages a well as Arabic, Hebrew and modern Persian, and which does indeed come from Achaemenid Persian. According to classical authors, it seems to be used to define all kinds of gardens, parks, orchards, farms, animal reserves, etc., with or without adjoining or internal constructions.

We must also note that, while Old Persian used the word hadiš followed by the possible mention of a "paradise", the Elamite text (line 4) and the Akkadian text (line 3) only use a term borrowed from another Old Persian word, tačara, whose meaning, like for the word hadiš, remains vague: house, building or palace. The text could therefore refer to the entire palace as much as this single building.

Rémy Boucharlat
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Shaur Palace, Building I, East Portico
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