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The Darius Gate is a mud-brick construction measuring 40 x 28 m, isolated from the other buildings, located on the eastern side of the retaining wall of the Apadana terrace. It stands in line with the causeway-bridge linking the Apadana to the Ville Royale tell. Here the plan has been recreated for the entire eastern half (in the foreground) that collapsed into the valley that separates the two tells. It is composed of a square central hall with four columns, flanked by two long side rooms. In the two western corners, or in all four corners, stairs gave access to the roof-terrace. Unlike the Gate of All Nations in Persepolis, the Darius Gate at Susa only has two passageways along the east-west axis towards the palace. Despite the inscription on the base of the columns, in which Xerxes attributes this construction to his father Darius – hence the name which archaeologists have given the gate – certain specialists think that the project was engendered by Darius but was carried out by Xerxes.
The Darius Gate on the east side of the Apadana, seen from the east
Archives de la Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, René-Ginouvès, JP_V03_72
© Mission de Suse. Délégation archéologique française en Iran / Jean Perrot