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reference | title | authors | |
ARTA 2015.005 | On an Achaemenian and Sasanian Position: *grastapati-, Old Avestan grə̄hma-, and Proto-Indo-European √gʰres* | Martin Schwartz | |
ARTA 2016.001 | Premier témoignage sur la pratique des coutumes funéraires égyptiennes à Suse d’époque achéménide | Sépideh Qahéri | |
ARTA 2017.001 | From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project, 6 The Dossier of Šarbaladda, Treasury Secretary at Persepolis | Matthew W. Stolper | |
ARTA 2017.002 | Premier alabastron d’époque perse à inscription araméenne (MNI 218/9) | Sépideh Qahéri, Kévin Trehuedic | |
ARTA 2018.001 | La prise en charge des veuves par le temple de Sippar sous le règne de Darius Ier | Louise Quillien | |
ARTA 2018.002 | Les traces archéologiques des palais achéménides de Hamadan | Rémy Boucharlat | |
ARTA 2018.003 | A newly discovered building complex north of the “Frataraka” Complex. Consequences for the spatial definition of the Persepolis‑Parsa Royal Area | Sébastien Gondet, Alireza Askari Chaverdi, Kourosh Mohammadkhani | |
ARTA 2019.001 | DNf: A New Inscription Emerges from the Shadow | Soheil Delshad, Mojtaba Doroodi | |
ARTA 2019.002 | Between Highlands and Lowlands. The Ram Hormuz Plain in the Neo-Elamite and Early Achaemenid Periods, and Comments on Five Burials from the Fort Mound at Tal-i Ghazir | Yasmina Wicks | |
ARTA 2019.003 | A Demotic Tablet or Two in the Persepolis Fortification Archive | Annalisa Azzoni | |
ARTA 2019.004 | A new Achaemenid building-complex in Kerman | Mohammad T. Atayi, Shahram Zare’ | |
ARTA 2019.005 | An Inscription of Darius I from Phanagoria (DFa): Preliminary report of a work in progress | Ehsan Shavarebi | |
ARTA 2020.001 | Zwei achämenidische Toponyme auf den Kanalstelen von Dareios I | Elena Mahlich | |
ARTA 2020.002 | The Borazjan Monuments: A Synthesis of Past and Recent Works | Zohreh Zehbari | |
ARTA 2020.003 | La fin de Remut-Ninurta, chef de la maison Murasu | Francis Joannès | |
ARTA 2020.004 | Du chantier au musée : l'impact des découvertes des fouilles-Dieulafoy | Nicole Chevalier | |
ARTA 2021.001 | From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project 7: Accounting for Fruit in the PFA | Matthew W. Stolper | |
ARTA 2021.002 | Some remarks on the Ardabîl Ware pottery tradition | Andrea Cesaretti, Roberto Dan | |
ARTA 2022.001 | An Unpublished Stone Fragment in Achaemenid Elamite: The Elamite Version of XPl? | Soheil Delshad | |
ARTA 2022.002 | Persia’s Lycian work force and the satrap of Sardis | John Hyland | |
ARTA 2022.003 | Two Achaemenid Elamite Stone Tablet Fragments from Persepolis: A23122 and PM 3148 | Soheil Delshad | |
ARTA 2022.004 | An Elamite Duck Weight in the Susa Museum: New evidence for the Behbahan Plain in the late seventh/early sixth century BCE | Javier Alvarez-Mon, Yasmina Wicks | |
ARTA 2023.001 | The Greek Tablet (Fort. 1771) of the Persepolis Fortification Archive | G. G. Aperghis, A. Zournatzi | |
ARTA 2023.002 | Elamite ku-ut-ka4-la-ir-rake-ki and Related Forms | Jan Tavernier |