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<< 96/197 >>

Waerzeggers, Marduk-remanni, 091

numéro(s) : BM 74622 (Bertin 2315; AH. 82-9-18, 347)

date babylonienne : 26-V-Dar I 14
année julienne : 10 septembre 508

lieu de rédaction : Bar-tibni

archive : Marduk-remanni

type de texte : contrat de location

résumé :

Contrat de location de 30 kurru de terre arable dans la ville de Bar-tibni.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2014

date de mise en ligne : 15 janvier 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jédelé

30 gur še.numun šá nak*-ka-du lugal šá uruba-ar*-in*.nu* šá* é* gišbán

šá Idag-kar-zi-meš šá ina muh-hi gišbán šá ha-za-tu4

é rit-tu4 šá Idiškur-ra-ha-tu4 é rit-tu4

šá Iden-dù u šeš.meš-šú dumu šá Idiškur-šeš-ùru

ù 10 gur še.numun ina é rit*-tu4 šá Idag-it-tan-˹nu˺

a-šú šá Išá-du-nu pab 30 še.numun Idamar.utu-re-man-ni

a-šú šá Iden-tiniṭ a ì a-na

e-re-šu-šú a-na Iden-dù a-šú šá Idiškur-šeš-ùru

Iid-di-ia a-šú šá Ita-at-tan-nu id-din

š šá še.numun šá Idamar.utu-re-man-ni

gud ù engar.meš šá Iden-dù Iid-di-˹ia˺

mim-ma ma-la ina* še*.numun* a4 30 gur

il*-la-a’ 4ú Iden-dù

Iid-di-ia ki* Idamar.utu-re-man-ni

ina muh-hi maš*-kát-tu4 ik-kal-la lugal

Idamar.utu-re-man-ni iṭ-ṭir pu-ut e-piš-šú

šá še.numun a '30  gur u ma-aṣ-ṣa-<ar>-tu4 šá še.numun

Iden-dù u Imu-ia na-šu-ú še.numun ma-la ina* lìb*-bi

la ip-pu-uš-šu-u’ a-ki*-i* ús*.sa.du š a-na Idamar.utu-re-man-ni

i-nam-din-nu-u’* 1*en*-na*-ta* a4 il-qa-ú  <<a>>

mu-kin7 Iden-tiniṭ* a-šú šá Idag-mu-mu

Ita-at-tan-nu a-šú šá Iza-bi-nu Iba-ri-ki*-dingir a-šú šá

Idingir.meš-ha-a-ri Ieṭ-ra-a a-šú šá Iam*-da-di-i

Ila-qip-pi a-šú šá Idutu-a-a Ihaš-da-a a-šú šá

Idag-en-šeš.meš-šú Iden-mu a-šú šá

Ien-šú-nu umbisag Idu.gur-mu-mu a-šú šá Ibašá-a
u.e. itine ud.26.kam mu.14.kam

Ida-ra-a-muš lugal eki u kur.kur



Thirty kurru of arable land, located in the crown land of Bar-tibni, part of the lease of Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti, the rent farmer (ša-muhhi sūti) of the hazātu (meaning unknown), (consisting of) the bīt-ritti (estate) of Adad-rahat, the bīt-ritti (estate) of Bēl-ibni/Adad-ahu-uṣur and his brothers, and 10 kurru of the bīt-ritti (estate) of Nabû-ittannu/Šadûnu - (6) in total 30 kurru of arable land, (sub)leased by Marduk-rēmanni/Bēl-uballiṭ/Ṣāhit-ginê, the tenant (of this field), to Bēl-ibni/Adad-ahu-uṣur and Iddia/Tattannu. (10) Barleyseed (will be the cost) of Marduk-rēmanni, plough-oxen and plough-men (will be the cost) of Bēl-ibni and Iddia. (12) Bēl-ibni and Iddia, together with Marduk-rēmanni, will enjoy a fourth of whatever grows on this field of 30 kurru. (15) Marduk-rēmanni has to pay the share of the king. (16) Bēl-ibni and Iddia are responsible to till the field of 30 kurru and to guard the land. (18) For all the land that they leave untilled, they will have to deliver barley to Marduk-rēmanni at a rate equal to that of the neighboring fields. (20) Each of them has taken a copy (of this contract). (21) Witnesses: Bēl-uballiṭ/Nabû-šumu-iddin, Tattannu/Zabīnu, Barīk-il/Ilī-hāri, Eṭrā/Am-dādī, Lā-qīpu/Šamšāya, Hašdāya/Nabû-bēl-ahhēšu, Bēl-iddin/Bēlšunu. (26) Scribe: Nergal-šumu-iddin/Iqīša. (27) Bar-tibni, Dar 26-V-14.
The village of Bar-tibni is not otherwise attested. It may have been located in the vicinity of Zazannu because of the mention of Bēl-iddin/Bēlšunu, son of one of the largest landowners in that area (cf. Chapter 12).
Bibliography: Bongenaar 1997: 478, 479, 494; Di Gennaro 1996: 358 n. 15; Zadok 1998c; Jursa 1999: 88, 90; Jursa 2010a: 190, 196 n. 1102, 442.

Waerzeggers 2014, p. 268- 269 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2014, p. 159, 412.


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