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<< 90/197 >>

Waerzeggers, Marduk-remanni, 086

numéro(s) : BM 74606 (Bertin 2249; AH. 82-9-18A, 330)

date babylonienne : 20-XII-Dar I 12
année julienne : 21 mars 509

lieu de rédaction : Sippar

archive : Marduk-remanni

type de texte : reconnaissance de dette

résumé :

Reconnaissance de dette entre Marduk-rēmanni/Bēl-uballiṭ/Ṣāhit-ginê et Arad-Bunene/Naid-Marduk/Ilei-Marduk, Ardia/Zababa-ahu-iddin/Ilei-Marduk (et) Iddin-Bēl/Šamaš-uballiṭ/Ilei-Marduk. La dette concerne 380 kurru de dattes.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2014

date de mise en ligne : 15 janvier 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jédelé

˹3˺ me 80 gur zú šá Idamar.utu-re-man-ni a-šú šá

Iden-tiniṭ a Ilúì ina muh-hi Iìr-dbu-ne-ne

a-šú šá Ii-damar.utu a Ida-damar.utu Iìr-ia a-šú šá

Idza-ba4-ba4-šeš-mu a Ida-damar.utu Imu-den a-šú šá Idutu-tiniṭ

[a] Ida-damar.utu ina itiapin zú a4

3 me 80 gur ina ma-ši-hu šá 1 pi ina ha-ṣa-ri ina muh-hi

1et rit-tu4 i-na-di-in-nu-ú 1en pu-ut 2i

[na]u-ú šá qer-bi iṭ-ṭir Iìr-dbu-ne-ne

Iìr-ía u Imu-den ina den u dpa Ida-ri-ia-muš

lugal eki u kur.kur.meš a-na Idamar.utu-re-man-ni

it-te-mu-ú ki-i a-di-i ina itiapin zú a4

3 me 80 gur ina ud.kib.nunki ni-in-na-[am-din]

kù.babbar <<šá>>  babbarú šá pa-se-ed šá a-na muh-hi

gán-dù.meš a-na Iba-la-ṭu sumna
mu-kin-nu Iba(on erasure)šá-damar.utu a-šú šá Ie-tel-pi-dutu a [sanga-sip-parki]

Idag-[šeš.meš]-˹gi˺ a-šú šá Ikar-damar.utu a Ilúsanga-dinanna-tin.˹tir˺[ki]

Idama[r.utu]-˹mu˺-dù a-šú šá Idag-numun-bašá a Ipa.šeki

I˹den-mu˺ a-šú šá Imu-ra-nu sanga-dutu ((x))

Idag-mu-garun a-šú šá Idag-mu-mu a Itin Idamar.utu-gin-a

[a-šú šá Iden]-tiniṭ Ilúsanga-dinanna-tin.tirki

Iden-mu a-šú šá Idag-ka-ṣir a Ilúsanga-sip-parki

Iú-bal-liṭ-su-dgu-la a-šú šá Išeš.meš-mu-damar.utu

sanga-dinanna-tin.tirki Idutu-su a-šú šá Iden-bašá

Ipa.šeki Išad-din-nu a-šú šá Idag-mu-mu a Izálag-d30

Ire-mut-den a-šú šá Ikur-ban-ni-damar.utu a Iden-e-ṭir

Idag-ik-ṣur a-šú šá Ibašá-a a Isipa-<anše>.kur.ra Iden-re-man-ni

a-šú šá Imu-šeb-ši-damar.utu a Ilúsanga-dutu

umbisag Išu-zu-bu a-šú šá Idza-ba4-ba4-šeš-mu

Ida-damar.utu ud.kib.nunki itiše ud.20.kam

mu.12.kam Ida-ri-ia-muš

lugal eki u kur.kur.meš



380 kurru of dates of Marduk-rēmanni/Bēl-uballiṭ/Ṣāhit-ginê due from Arad-Bunene/Naid-Marduk/Ilei-Marduk, Ardia/Zababa-ahu-iddin/Ilei-Marduk (and) Iddin-Bēl/Šamaš-uballiṭ/Ilei-Marduk. (5) They will deliver these 380 kurru of dates in month arahsamna (VIII), in the measure of 1 pānu, in the enclosure, in a single delivery. (7) Each of them is responsible for the other, whoever is at hand must pay. (8) Arad-Bunene, Ardia and Iddin-Bēl have sworn by Bēl and Nabû (and) Darius, king of Babylon and the lands, to Marduk-rēmanni: In month arahsamna (VIII) we will deliver the 380 kurru of dates”. (13) (The dates are meant as payment for) the white silver for the fitting-out (pasadu) that was given to Balāṭu on behalf of the rab-banês. (15) Witnesses: Iqīša-Marduk/Etel-pî-Šamaš/[Šangû-Sippar], Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Mušēzib-Marduk/Šangû-Ištar-Bābili, Marduk-šumu-ibni/Nabû-zēru-iqīša/Isinnāya, Bēl-iddin/Murānu/Šangû-Šamaš, Nabû-šumu-iškun/Nabû-šumu-iddin/Balāṭu, Marduk-mukīn-apli/Bēl-uballiṭ/Šangû-Ištar-Bābili, Bēl-iddin/Nabû-kāṣir/Šangû-Sippar, Uballissu-Gula/Ahhē-iddin-Marduk/Šangû-Ištar-Bābili, Šamaš-erība/Bēl-iqīša/Isinnāya, Šaddinnu/Nabû-šumu-iddin/Nūr-Sîn, Rēmūt-Bēl/Kurbanni-Marduk/Bēl-eṭēru, Nabû-ikṣur/Iqīša/Rē’i-sisê, Bēl-rēmanni/Mušebši-Marduk/Šangû-Šamaš. (28) Scribe: Šūzubu/Zababa-ahu-iddin/Ilei-Marduk. (29) Sippar, Dar 20-XII-12. 

Bibliography: Bongenaar 1997: 81, 85, 90; Di Gennaro 1996: 361 n. 28; Jursa 1999: 34; Sandowicz 2012: 362; Waerzeggers 2010a: 352 n. 1184.

(13)    pa-se-ed is probably the Persian loanword pasadu which Dandamaev 1989b has identified as the Persian equivalent of Akkadian rikis qabli fitting-out (of soldiers or workers)”. Thus far the word has been recognised in two tablets from Sippar, where it is spelled pa-sa-a-du (Dar 293: 1 collation by Bongenaar 1997: 38 n. 65;  and VS 4 126 = BR 262 : 4). The same word is also found in a tablet from Borsippa, AchHist 15 no. 25: 2, where it is spelled pa-si-diAchHist 15 no. 25 records the payment of a sum of silver for the pa-si-di ša qašti to the overseer (šāpiru) of the brewers of Ezida. 
(14)    Balāṭu may be identical to the ša-muhhi kurummati mentioned in BM 74519/Bertin 2763: 4.
(19)    The patronymic is Nabû-šumu-iddin, contrary to Jursa 1995a: 145 (Nabû-šumu-uṣur). Cf. Bongenaar 1997: 132.
(21)    The text reads Bēl-iddin contrary to Bongenaar 1997: 456 (Šamaš-iddin).
(15-28) Most witnesses are prebendaries or College Scribes of Ebabbar. Many of them are also known as rab-banês, while some others collected the harvest of the date palm gardens of the rab-banês. 
-     Iqīša-Marduks son, Ea-udammiq, is known as a rab-banê (Jursa 1995a: 76).
-     Nabû-ahhē-šullim was a College Scribe, but probably also a rab-banê (cf. Jursa 1995a: 77).
-     Marduk-šumu-ibni was a brewer of Šamaš (Bongenaar 1997: 175, 219). 
-     Bēl-iddin was an ērib-bīti of Šamaš (e.g. Jursa 1999: 120). 
-     Nabû-šumu-iškun is a witness in BM 42418+, a title deed concerning Marduk-rēmannirab-banûtu-prebend (cf. Jursa 1999: 103). 
-     Marduk-mukīn-apli later becomes a College Scribe (Bongenaar 1997: 80). 
-     Šamaš-iddins father was an ērib-bīti and a prebendary butcher (e.g. Jursa 1999: 68). 
-     Uballissu-Gula was a College Scribe, and probably a rab-banê (cf. Jursa 1995a: 79).
-     Ubār, the brother of Šamaš-erība/Bēl-iqīša/Isinnāya, was a rab-banê (Jursa 1995a: 79). 
-     Rēmūt-Bēl/Kurbanni-Marduk/Bēl-eṭēru, a gugallu, collected the yield of the gardens of the rab-banês (Jursa 1995a: 55). 
-     Bēl-rēmanni owned many prebends (Jursa 1999: 75). Of particular interest in the present context may be that fact that he wrote BM 43314(+), a ttile deed concerning Marduk-rēmannirab-banûtu-prebend.
-     Šūzubu was a rab-banê (Jursa 1995a: 79); he wrote several tablets relating to the rab-banûtu-prebend (e.g. BM 74540/Bertin 2525 ; Jursa 1995a no. 16 ; AJSL 16/2 no. 4 ; BM 66223 ; BM 42418+). 

Waerzeggers 2014, p. 262- 263 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2014, p. 19, 21, 67, 71, 111, 261, 278, 306.


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