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<< 151/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 150

numéro(s) : BM 94582 (1901-10-12, 235)

date babylonienne : 11-IX-Nbn 08
année julienne : 15 décembre 548

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Rē’i-alpi

type de texte : donation

résumé :

Texte enregistrant la transaction suivante: Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Nabû-šumu-uṣur/Rē’i-alpi a volontairement donné à Rēmūt-Nabû/Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi] 7 jours de la prébende de bouvier à l’Ezida.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 8 juin 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

I[dag-šeš.meš]-gi a-šú šá Idag-mu-ùru a sipa.gud.meš

ina hu-ud lìb-bi-šú u4-mu giš.š

sipa-ú-tu é.zi.da é dag

ud.13.kam ud.14.kam ud.15.kam ud.16.kam šá itibára

ud.13.kam ud.14.kam šá itidu6 ù ud.23.kam šá itiab

pab 7 u4-mu.meš giš.š [sipa-ú-tu ...]

(remainder of obv. and beginning of rev. broken off)
[mu-kin-nu I]damar.utu-[mu-ùru a-šú šá Iaa a Idan-ni-e-a]

[Idag-mu]-ú-kin a-šú šá Iddumu-é-mu-dù a nagar

Idag-gin-numun a-šú šá Imu-še-zib-dag a Ilam.har

Iden-bašá a-šú šá Imu-gin a mun.hi.a-šú

dub.sar Imu-dag a-šú šá Ina-din sipa.gud.meš

[bára.sipakiitigan ud.11.kam mu.8.kam

[dag-im.tuk lugal] tin.tirki
Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Nabû-šumu-uṣur/Rē’i-alpi voluntarily [sealed and gave to Rēmūt-Nabû/Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi] 7 days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th of month I, the 13th, 14th of month VII and the 23rd of month X; in total 7 days of the [oxherd] prebend [ ... ]. (1') [Witnesses:] Marduk-[šumu-uṣur/Aplā/Dannēa], [Nabû-šumu]-ukīn/Mār-bīti-šumu-ibni/Naggāru, Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Mušēzib-Nabû/Allānu, Bēl-iqīša/Šumu-ukīn/Ša-ṭābtišu. (5') Scribe: Iddin-Nabû/Nādin/Rē’i-alpi. (6') [Borsippa, Nbn] 11-IX-08.
Restorations based on BM 26538 no. 152, BM 26604 no. 151. Cf. IV.1.1, dossier 6.

BM 26538 no. 152, BM 94582 no. 150 and BM 26604 no. 151 were all written on the same day, before the same witnesses by the same scribe, and relate to the same affair. There are however considerable difficulties to harmonize the details of the three tablets. According to BM 26538 no. 152, Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Nabû-šumu-uṣur/ Rē’i-alpi assigned 8 days of the oxherd prebend to his adoptive son Rēmūt-Nabû/ Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Rē’i-alpi. The bequest consisted of the following days: 13, 14, 15, 16 of month I and 13, 14, 15, 16 of month VII. BM 94582 no. 150 records almost the same transaction as BM 26538 no. 152 but not quite. Formally it is a donation, not an adoption, and it concerns only 7 days of the oxherd prebend: 13, 14, 15, 16/I, 13, 14/VII and 23/X. These are not the same days as those mentioned in the adoption contract. The third tablet, BM 26604 no. 151, records the payment of a gift (qīštu) by Rēmūt-Nabû’s father to Nabû-ahhē-šullim for having given 7 days of the oxherd prebend to his son. It is clear that BM 26604 no. 151 should be attached to BM 94582 no. 150, and only in the second instance to the adoption contract BM 26538 no. 152. It remains unclear, however, why the terms of the adoption were changed on the very same day in BM 94582 no. 150.


Waerzeggers 2010, p. 592 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 106- 107, 557, 592- 595.

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