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Like the Darius Gate, this square building measuring 24 m per side was an obligatory passageway that was probably located on a route built with rammed earth, however the link with the city gate has not been found. The space is tiled with baked bricks inside and on either side of the Gate. The plan of the Propylaeum, whose central area is composed of two rectangular rooms side by side, is very original in Achaemenid architecture in general. Framed by small chambers on the sides, rooms open onto two dual-column porticoes which face each other, flanked by corner towers. The passageways are regularly 3.5-m wide and all follow the same axis. The only construction in Susa to feature a set of protrusions and recesses on the outer and inner walls, the Propylaeum was very carefully constructed. It is small in dimension compared to the Darius Gate and barely larger than the small pavilions at Pasargadae, for example.
The construction is in a very poor state of preservation, as seen in the areas in yellow, which have been reconstructed. But this reconstruction is certain, for the plan of the elevation is reproduced in the foundations.
Plan of the Propylaeum on the Ville Royale tell, built by Darius and completed by Xerxes
Archives de la Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, René-Ginouvès, JP_V03_37
© Mission de Suse. Délégation archéologique française en Iran / Daniel Ladiray