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reference | title | authors | |
NABU 1997.007 | Some Iranian Anthroponyms and Toponyms | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2001.028 | On the location of NA Parsua | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 1990.039 | Some Elamites names in Mesopotamian sources | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2005-051 | Borsippean Notes (suite) | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 1997.088 | Mushrooms | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 1997.020 | Jehu | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2005-026 | Borsippean Notes | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 1995.004 | A Document concerning Work in Elam: BM 49718 | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2020-129 | Four Loanwords in Neo-/Late-Babylonian | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2020-128 | Arameo-Akkadica II | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2021-055 | A judge with a Nubian name in Achaemenid Susa | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 2021-056 | Additamenta to Arameo-Akkadica | Zadok Ran | |
NABU 1997.058 | Kollation der in BOR 4 publizierten neubabylonischen Urkunden | Wunsch Cornelia | |
NABU 1990.038 | Die Vogelinschrift aus dem Tempel Z (und aus dem NinmahTempel) von Babylon | Wilcke Claus | |
NABU 1997.067 | Mittel-, nicht neu babylonisch | Weszeli Michaela, Jursa Michael | |
NABU 2004-060 | zaj-zajin-za-a | Weszeli Michaela | |
NABU 1999.106 | Kollationen zu Texten aus den British Museum (September 1999) | Weszeli Michaela | |
NABU 1999.107 | Ein Rind mit vernarbtem Buckel | Weszeli Michaela | |
NABU 1996.100 | Esel | Weszeli Michaela | |
NABU 1996.020 | Zu BM 85367 und BM 85576 | Weszeli Michaela | |
NABU 1993.083 | A Mâr Banûtu Text from the Town of Hubat | Weisberg David B. | |
NABU 1990.094 | d.Abbûtânîtu «(göttliche) Fürsprecherin» | Watanabe Kazuko | |
NABU 2011-083 | Is the temple not a holy place? | Wasserman Nathan | |
NABU 1992.046 | 30 Ajjaru 219 SE = 19 june 93 BCE | Wallenfels Ronald |