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<< 160/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 159

numéro(s) : BM 26540 (98-5-14, 358)

date babylonienne : 10-[...]-Cyr 05
année julienne : [...] 534- 533

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Rē’i-alpi

type de texte : contrat d'échange

résumé :

Duplicata de BM 82618 (94-6-11, 12).

Ce texte est une tablette d’échange entre Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplā/Rē’i-alpi et Iddin-Nabû/Nādin/Rē’i-alpi. Nabû-mukīn-zēri a donné à Iddin-Nabû son esclave Nabû-lū-šulum, dont la main est marquée du nom de Nabû-mukīn-zēri. De son côté Iddin-Nabû donne à Nabû-mukīn-zēri toute une liste d’offrandes à effectuer, détaillées dans la tablette.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 10 juin 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

ṭup-pi šu-pil-tu4 šá Idag-gin-[numun a-šú šá]

Iaa a Ilúsipa.gud ù Imu-[dag a-šú šá]

Ina-di-nu Ilúsipa.gud it-[ti a-ha-meš]

uš-pil-lu Idag-gin-numun i-na hu-ud [lìb-bi-šú]

Idag-lu-ú-šu-lum qal-la-šú šá rit-[ta-šú]

a-na mu šá Idag-gin-numun šaṭ-ra-[tu4]

a-na u4-mu ṣa-a-tú pa-ni Imu-dag [ú-šad-gil]

ù Imu-dag i-na hu-ud lìb-bi-šú [udu.níta.meš]

gu-qu-«qu»-ú šá ud.28.kam šá iti[zíz pa-ni]

dna-na-a hur.šà.ba šá é sipai ina [tin.tirki]

1en udu.níta gu-qu-ú ud.29.kam šá iti[zíz pa-ni]

dna-na-a hur.šà.ba šá é sipai [ina]

tin.tirki udu.níta pu-had gu-qu-ú šá ud.20[+9.kam]

šá itizíz pa-ni dna-na-a hur.šà.ba

šá é sipai ina urukiški pab 2 (sic) udu.[níta.meš]

gu-qu-né-e šá tin.tirki ù urukiš[ki]

pa-ni dna-na-a hur.šà.ba Imu-dag ik-nu-[uk-ma]

a-na u4-mu ṣa-a-ta pa-ni Idag-gin-numun

ú-šá-ad-gilil man-nu pu-ut šu-pil-tu4

na-ši na-bal-kát-ta-a-nu ⅓ kù.babbar babbarú ú-šal-[lam]

1en ta a4 tiú e-lat imdub [šá] 3 udu.níta gu-qu-[ni-e]

šá itibára pa-ni dna-na-a ù dsu-ti-ti [Ø]

šá Imu-dag a-šú šá Ina-din sipa.gud ku-ú ú-šu-[uz-zu]

šá man-za-al-a-ta pa-ni Ire-mut-dag a-šú šá Idag-[gin-numun]

sipa.gud a-na u4-mu ṣa-a-tú ú-šá-ad-gil[il]

mu-kin-nu Idamar.utu-mu-ùru a-šú šá Ikar-damar.utu a [Išeš-ia-ú-tu]

Imu-dag a-šú šá Itin-su a Iba-i-ri Idag-it-[tan-nu]

a-šú šá Idag-mu-garun a sipa.gud Ire-mut-[dag a-šú šá]

Idag-mu-ùru a Išar-ra-hu umbisag Idag-[mu-mu]

a-šú šá Idamar.utu-mu-ùru a Idu?-ni-a bar-sipki iti[x]

ud.10.kam mu.5.kam Ikur-ra-áš lugal [eki lugal kur.kur]
Tablet of exchange between Nabû-mukīn-[zēri/]Aplā/Rē’i-alpi and Iddin-[Nabû/] Nādin/Rē’i-alpi. Nabû-mukīn-zēri voluntarily sealed and gave forever to Iddin-Nabû: his slave Nabû-lū-šulum, whose hand is marked with the name of Nabû-mukīn-zēri. And Iddin-Nabû voluntarily sealed and gave forever to Nabû-mukīn-zēri:
– [sheep] of the guqqû offerings of 28/[XI] before Nanāya Ehuršaba of the herdsman’s house [in Babylon]
– 1 sheep of the guqqû offerings of the 29/[XI] before Nanāya Ehuršaba of the herds­man’s house [in] Babylon
– (1) lamb of the guqqû offerings of 29/XI before Nanāya Ehuršaba of the herdsman’s house in Kish
In total: 2 (sic) sh[eep] of the guqqû offerings of Babylon and Kish before Nanāya Ehuršaba. 
(19) Each (of them) assumes warranty for the exchange. (20) Whoever breaks the contract will have to pay 20 š white silver. (21) Each (party) has taken one (copy). (21) This does not bear on the tablet of 3 sheep of the guqqû offerings of month I before Nanāya and Sutītu that Iddin-Nabû/Nādin/Rē’i-alpi assigned forever to Rēmūt-Nabû/Nabû-[mukīn-zēri]/Rē’i-alpi for doing temple service (manzaltu). (26) Wit­nesses: Marduk-šumu-uṣur/Mušēzib-Marduk/[Ahiya’ūtu], Iddin-Nabû/Balassu/ Bā’iru, Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-šumu-iškun/Rē’i-alpi, Rēmūt-[Nabû]/Nabû-šumu-uṣur/ Šarrahu. (29) Scribe: Nabû-[šumu-iddin]/Marduk-šumu-uṣur/Dannēa. (30) Borsippa, Cyr 10-[x]-05.
Cf. IV.1.1, dossier 8 and BM 102276 no. 166. Summary: Zadok 2009: 136.
BM 26540 is a duplicate of BM 82618. The original is more damaged and not edited here, but it can be used to fill some of the gaps in BM 26540. The witness list of BM 82618 is slightly longer; it mentions a person of the Mubannû family after the first witness and a member of the Bā’iru family as last witness. 
(8)         The plural sign after udu.níta is based on the original (BM 82618: 6), but it causes problems in the addition mentioned on line 15. See below. 
(10)       BM 82618 (l.7) is also damaged after é sipai, but [tin.tirki] can be restored on the basis of BM 28872 no. 179: 19 (udu.níta šá itizíz ud.28.kam pa-ni dna-na-a é.hur.šà.ba ina tin.tirki) and the information about the procession of Nanāya to Babylon and Kish in a ritual text from Babylon (George 2000 no. 4, BM 41239 // BM 32516); see §3.4 for a discussion of this festival.
(13)       Restoation based on BM 82618: 10.
(15)       The addition (“in total: 2 sheep”) is odd, given that the plural sign after udu.níta in l.8 (see above) indicates that that post alone amounts to at least 2 sheep. BM 82618 is broken at this point. 
(21-5)   This manzaltu contract with Rēmūt-Nabû has not been preserved, but a com­parable one, drafted at a later date, is BM 101982 no. 165 Camb 06.
(26)       Marduk-šumu-uṣur//Ahiya’ūtu appears regularly in the Rē’i-alpi archive in the period from Ner 03 to Dar 05, mostly as witness (i.e. BM 94841 Nbn 08) but also as contracting party (BM 82764 Dar 02).
(27)       Note the syllabic spelling of the family name Bā’iru. 
(28)       Rēmūt-Nabû//Šarrahu was Nabû-mukīn-zēri’s son-in-law (see BM 101980// BM 82607 Dar 05). 
(30)       The family name of the scribe should certainly be Dannēa. The original has the normal spelling Idan-ni-e-a (BM 82618: 27) and Nabû-šumu-iddin/ Marduk-šumu-uṣur/Dannēa appears regularly in the Rē’i-alpi archive: BM 26678 Dar 14 (scribe), VS 4 124 Dar 09 (creditor), BM 82619 Dar 14 (wit­ness), BM 25717 Dar 10 (creditor), BM 102003 Dar 04 (witness), BM 102014 [date lost] (creditor), BM 94677 Dar 13 (creditor).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 605 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 92, 107, 132- 133, 266, 559, 605- 606, 615.

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