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<< 111/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 110

numéro(s) : BM 28950 (98-11-12, 126)

date babylonienne : 14-VI-Nbk [...]

lieu de rédaction : Borsippa

archive : Ibnāya

type de texte : location d'une prébende

résumé :

BM 28950 est un contrat de deux jours de la prébende de boucher à l’Ezida. La prébende concerne [pn]/Bēl-u.../Ilšu-abūšu, [pn]/Ahhēšā/Ilšu-abūšu, [pn et ses frères] fils de Bēl-īpuš//Il[šu-abūšu and] Ezida-šumu-ukīn/[Bēl-uballiṭ]/Ilšu-abūšu.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 23 mai 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

2½ u4-mu di-i’-i udu.níta guq-[qu-ú]

udu.níta pi-i-di udu.níta ṣi-di-tu4 [dingir.meš]

ina u4-mu.meš šá itiapin u itiab šá I[PN]

a-šú šá Iden-ú-[x] a Idingir-šú-ad-šú [PN]

a-šú šá Iah-hi-šá-a a Idingir-šú-ad-šú I[PN u šeš(.meš)-šú]

a.meš šá Iden-dù a Idingir-[šú-ad-šú ù]

Ié.zi.da-mu-ú-kin a-šú šá [Iden-ú-bal-liṭ]

Idingir-šú-ad-šú (blank)

a-ki-i 1⅔ 4 gín kù.babbar [a-na]

Idag-šeš.meš-mu a-šú šá Iden-dù[]

Idingir-šú-ad-šú                     id-[di-nu]

mu-kin-ni Idag-numun-ú-[kin a-šú šá PN]

Iib-na-a-a Iibilaa [a-šú]

šá Idag-ú-bal-liṭ [a FN]

Imu-še-zib a-šú šá Idag-šeš-mu [a FN]

dub.[sar Id]ag?-šeš-it-[tan-nu]

a-šú šá Iden-x [a FN bára.sipaki]

itikin ud.14.kam [mu.x.kam]

Idag-níg.du-ùru [lugal tin.tirki]
2½ days of the di’û (offering/festival), sheep of the irregular offering (guqqû), sheep of the alleviation offering, sheep of the travel provision [of the gods], part of the pre­bend days of month VIII and X of [PN]/Bēl-u.../Ilšu-abūšu, [PN]/Ahhēšā/Ilšu-abūšu, [PN and his brother(s)] sons of Bēl-īpuš//Il[šu-abūšu and] Ezida-šumu-ukīn/[Bēl-uballiṭ]/Ilšu-abūšu: (9) for 1 m 44 š silver they gave (these days) to Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Bēl-īpuš/Ilšu-abūšu. (12) Witnesses: Nabû-zēru-ukīn/[PN]/Ibnāya, Aplā/Nabû-uballiṭ/[FN], Mušēzib/Nabû-ahu-iddin/[FN]. (16) Scribe: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Bēl-[x/FN]. (17) [Borsippa], Nbk 14-VI-[x].
Together with BM 29411 no. 111 and BM 28865 no. 116, this text is a retro to VS 5 28 (Nbn 08). The dossier is complex and can best be discussed in reversed order, from youngest to oldest text. 
VS 5 28 is a sale contract of two days of the butcher’s prebend in Ezida. The prebend was sold by fIlat, daughter of Ezida-šumu-ukīn/Bēl-uballiṭ/Ilšu-abūšu, to Nādin/Šūzubu/Ibnāya. It is in the latter’s archive that the tablet can now be found. At the sale, fIlat handed over a number of clay tablets that documented the history of the prebend. BM 28865 no. 116 tells us that only one year earlier, fIlat had received the prebend from her father as dowry, giving her permission to alienate the prebend to whomever she liked (Nbn 07). This text uses slightly different terminology to describe the prebend, saying that Ezida-šumu-ukīn entrusted his daughter with the income from two days of the butcher’s prebend (panātu). Among the items enumerated, we find di’ûguqqû, hides and leather straps. The days on which this income was enjoyed were 08/IV (full day), 28/VIII (half day), and 28/X (half day). Two texts about the history of these last two days were given to fIlat by her father as part of the dowry transfer. These texts are BM 29411 no. 111 and BM 28950 no. 110. Both are damaged and it is difficult to understand how exactly they relate to each other. In BM 28950 no. 110, Ezida-šumu-ukīn and several of his relatives sold 2½ days of special offerings (including di’ûguqqûpīduṣidītu) to Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Bēl-īpuš/Ilšu-abūšu. The days were located in months VIII and X, con­firming the link with BM 28865 no. 116. The date of BM 28950 no. 110 is broken (Nbk [-]) but it was probably dated before BM29411 no. 111 (Nbk 12). BM 29411 no. 111 is heavily damaged, but the jest of the text seems to be that the earlier sale by Ezida-šumu-ukīn to Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Bēl-īpuš/Ilšu-abūšu was cancelled in favor of Nabû-zēru-ukīn of the Ibnāya family. However, as Ezida-šumu-ukīn awarded (a part of) the self-same prebend to his daughter fIlat in Nbn 07 (BM 28865 no. 116), this transaction too must have been annulled at some point between Nbn 07 and Nbk 12. 
See Zadok 2009: 183 for a summary of BM 28950 no. 110 (note that the text does not belong to the ‘archive of Ilšu-abūšu’).
(1)         Given the context, di’û must be the name of a festival, a type of offering, or a type of income resulting from it, and can hardly be the “platform (in a cella)” (; CAD D 106-7). The following spellings are attested in the Borsippa texts: di-i’-i (BM 28950 no. 110: 1, BM29411 no. 111: 1), di-i’ (BM 25670 no. 127: 8), di-i’-um (BM 28865 no. 116: 2-3). 
(2)         udu.níta pi-i-di: this is the NB equivalent of an offering known only from OB Mari so far (Durand 1995). The pīdu offering was probably intended as a sub­­stitute to alleviate or relieve the offerer from some suffering (see also CAD P 357 s.v. pīdu).
(2)         udu.níta ṣi-di-tu4 [dingir.meš]: restored on the basis of BM 29411 no. 111: 2. ṣidītu, “travel provision,” was the name of a ritual involving the journey of the gods. It is well attested in Uruk (Beaulieu 2003: 35, 226), and appears in the list of offerings in honor of Anu in the Seleucid ritual TCL 6 38 (Linssen 2004: 24, 130, 133). 
(6, 10)  Did Nabû-ahhē-iddin buy the prebend from, among other, his own brothers, or were there two persons by the name of Bēl-īpuš in the Ilšu-abūšu family? Nabû-ahhē-iddin’s patronymic is restored from BM 29411 no. 111. 
(12)       Nabû-zēru-ukīn//Ibnāya: this may be the same person who acquired the prebend from Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Bēl-īpuš/Ilšu-abūšu in BM29411 no. 111; in both texts Nabû-zēru-ukīn’s patronymic is missing. 

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 527- 528 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 104, 140, 315, 526- 530, 539, 550.

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