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<< 67/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 066

numéro(s) : BM 29377 (98-11-14, 10)

date babylonienne : c. Dar 35
année julienne : 487- 486

archive : Inconnue

type de texte : résumé

résumé :

Ce texte est un document administratif répertoriant les paiements en orge et en dattes à plusieurs brasseurs. Les paiements ont été effectués pour un petit nombre de sacrifices répartis sur trois ans.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 30 avril 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

š u zú šá Išeš-šú-nu šá [x x x]

3 gur 3 pi š šá 1en u4-mu tar-din-nu itine? [ud.x]

1en u4-mu tar-din-nu itiapin ud.11

u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš itiab ud.3 ud.4

š pu-uh-hu-ur-tú šá muh-hi gišda šá mu.33

ina igi Idag-bul-liṭ-su pa

2 gur 2 pi š šá 3 u4-mu tar-din-nu itizíz ud.10 ‹ud›.11

u itiše ud.9 šá mu.33.kam ina igi Idag-bul-liṭ-su pa

u4-mu-meš šá la e-ṭi-ra-a’

1 gur 3 pi š šá 4ta nam-zi-tú itikin ud.3

[šá] mu.33 mu.34 ina igi Idag-bul-liṭ-su pa

[e-lat (?) x+] 1 gur 1 (pi) 4 bán zú pap-pa-su

[šá] mu.32 mu.33 šá ina igi-šú

[x gur] 2 pi zú šá 4?[tanam-zi-tú

itikin ud.3 šá mu.35

igi Iden-it-tan-nu a-šú šá Ini-din-tú

[4 (pi) 4 bán (?)] zú šá 1en u4-mu tar-din-nu itine ud.24

1en u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš itidu6 ud.6

šá mu.34 ina igi Iden-bul-liṭ-su a-šú šá Imua a Ihu-ṣa-bi

4 (pi) 4 bán zú šá 1en u4-mu tar-din-nu ‹iti›ne ud.24

1en u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš itidu6 ud.6

šá mu.35 ina igi Iìr-dgu-la a-šú šá Išad-din-nu

1 gur 3 bán zú šá 2 u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš

šá itiab ud.3 ud.4 šá mu.35

ina igi Ila-ba-ši a Iká-a-a

1 gur 1 pi zú šá 3 u4-mu tar-din-nu šá iti[zíz]

ud.10 ud.11 itiše ud.9 šá mu.30+[5.kam]

ina igi Imar-duk-a a Iìr?-[x]

3 gur 3 pi zú I[PN]

šá 2 u4-mu maš-ti-ti itiše [ud.x ud.y]

[ x x x ] Idag-bul-liṭ-su a-šú šá Iìr-ía
Barley and dates of/that Ahušunu of/that [...]
– 3;3 barley of 1 day of the tardennu (offerings) of [day x] of month V?, 1 day of the tardennu offerings on 11/VIII, 2 days of the tilimtuofferings on 03 and 04/X, barley col­lected on the ledger of the 33rd year: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu, the overseer
– 2;2 barley of 3 days of the tardennu offerings on 10 and 11/XI and 09/XII of the 33rd year: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu, the overseer. (Prebend) days that are not paid. 
– 1;3 barley of 4 namzītu offerings on 03/VI of the 33rd and 34th year: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu
– [except for (?) x+] 1;1.4 dates, pappasu of the 32nd and 33rd years which is at his disposal. 
– [x];2 dates of 4? namzītu offerings on 03/VI of the 35th year: at the disposal of Bēl-ittannu/Nidintu
– [0;4.4 (?)] dates of 1 day of the tardennu offerings of 24/V, 1 day of the tilim­tu offerings of 06/VII of the 34th year: at the disposal of Bēl-bullissu/Iddinā/Huṣābu
– 0;4.4 dates of 1 day of of the tardennu offerings of 24/V, 1 day of the tilimtu offerings of 06/VII of the 35th year: at the disposal of Arad-Gula/Šaddinnu
– 1;0.3 dates of 2 days of the tilimtu offerings of 03 and 04/X of the 35th day: at the disposal of Lâbâši/Bābāya
– 1;1 dates of 3 days of the tardennu offerings of 10 and 11/[XI] and 09/XII of the 35th? year: at the disposal of Marduk/Arad?-[x]
3;3 dates: [PN] for two days of the maštītu offerings of [x, y]-XII.
[...] Nabû-bullissu/Ardia.
It is not clear to which archive BM 29377 should be attributed. Nabû-bullissu/ Ardia, mentioned on the left side of the tablet (l.31), could be identical with Nabû-balassu-iqbi son of Marduk-šumu-ibni (alias Ardia) of the Ilia family, in which case the text belongs to the Ilia A archive. This archive, however, is not otherwise re­spresented among the tablets in collection 98-11-14, which makes the attribution un­certain. Zadok assigns it to the Huṣābu archive, because of Bēl-bullissu/ Iddinā/Huṣābu, mentioned in l.19, but that person is not otherwise attested and the Huṣābu archive is much older than the present text (Waerzeggers 2005: 361). 
BM 29377 is an administrative text listing payments in barley and dates to several brewers. The payments were made for a small number of named sacrifices spread over three years. This would suggest that the payments were intended to serve as remuneration of past services, and the mention of pappasu in l.12 fits this context. Still, it is unclear how we should picture the transactions recorded in BM 29377 or how the various persons mentioned relate to each other. The graphic lay-out of BM 29377 helps a little to understand the structure of the text. The obverse deals first with barley payments to Nabû-bullissu, the šāpiru of the brewers (see below), for certain beer offerings during two successive maššartu periods of the 33rd year of Darius (VIII-IX-X,ll.2-6 and XI-XII-I, ll.7-9). BM 29377 then continues with a section about a beer offering meant for the festivities of early ulūlu(03/VI, ll.10-1) in the 33rd and 34th year. The last part of the obverse (ll.12-3) is a remark about an outstanding amount of dates paid or payable as pappasu of the 32nd and 33rd year. The reverse deals with a number of payments in dates to several persons, none of whom are known from other texts. The first section of the reverse mentions the same festival of 03/VI as the obverse (ll.14-5), the next two sections deal with the sacrifices in the maššartu period of V-VI-VII of two consecutive years (34th and 35thyear) but mention different recipients, the fourth section deals with the maššartu period of VIII-IX-X of the 35th year, and the fifth one with the maššartu period of XI-XII-I of the same year. The remark on the upper edge does not bear en­tirely on the same subject, as it mentions maštītu offerings instead of tardennu and tilimtu offerings. It is unclear how the person mentioned on the left edge relates to the body of the text. The payments were probably made by Ahušunu mentioned in the header of the text (l.1). 
See also Zadok 2009: 214 for a translation of this text. 
(6, 31)  Although it is possible that Nabû-bullissu, the overseer mentioned on the obverse of BM 29377, is the same person as Nabû-bullissu, the son of Ardia mentioned on the left side of BM 29377, this is unlikely. It is more plausible that we are dealing with overseer Nabû-bullissu son of Nabû-mukīn-apli//Ilia, who is known from several other texts (see §4.5). 

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 463 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 135, 146- 151, 161, 173, 189- 190, 195, 376, 422.

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