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<< 38/225 >>

Waerzeggers, Ezida 037

numéro(s) : BM 82615 (94-6-11, 9)

date babylonienne : c. Dar 19
année julienne : 503-502

archive : Ilia A

type de texte : liste

résumé :

Texte énumérant des offrandes régulières de bière, dont la compréhension pose problème.

© Translittération et traduction : Caroline Waerzeggers / 2010

date de mise en ligne : 24 avril 2021
Version numérique préparée par : R. Jedele

maš-šar-tú mu.18.kam

ti-lim-dù.meš tar-din-nu é da-é šá kal-li

šá Idamar.utu-mu-ib-ni dumu-šú šá Išu-la-a dumu Idingir-ía


u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš šá itigu4

ud.24.kam ud.25.kam ud.26.kam

u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš šá itišu

ud.1 ud.2 ud.20.kam

u4-mu tar-din-nu šá itisig4 ud.14 ud.15.kam

u4-mu tar-dinnu šá itišu ud.11 ud.12 ud.13 ud.14.kam

kan-nu é da-é itisig4 ta ud.16.kam

[šu].nigin 21½ ma-nu-ú zú


[2] u4-mu ti-lim-dù.meš itine ud.3 ud.5.kam

[2 u4]-mu ti-lim-dù.meš itidu6 ud.15 ud.16.kam

[2 u4-mu tar]-din-nu šá itine ud.20? (over eras.?) ud.21.[kam]

[x u4-mu tar]-din-nu šá iti[du6] ud.20 ud.20[+y ...]

(remainder of obverse broken off, some lines missing)

(beginning of reverse broken off and traces of 5 lines illegible)

šu.[nigin] [x x] ma-nu-ú [Ø?] [zú]


maš-[šar-tú] mu.19.kam

[3 u4-mu ti-lim]-dù.meš itigu4 «u» ud.24 ud.25 ud.26.kam

[3 u4-mu ti-lim]-dù.meš itišu ud.1 ud.2 ud.20.kam 1 u4-mu tar-din-nu

[2] u4-mu tar-din-nu iti[gu4] ud.14 ud.15.kam // itigu4 ud.25.kam

u4-mu tar-din-nu itišu ud.11 ud.12 ud.13 ud.14.kam

kan-nu é da-é itigu4 ta ud.16.kam

šu.nigin 20½ ma-nu-ú zú


šu.nigin 2 ki-ṣir 14 ma-nu-ú 4 silà zú

16 u4-mu maš-ti-ti ù kap-ri

ma-nu-ú šá dsu-ti-ti e-lat
maššartu of the 18th year (of Darius), (for) tilimtu offerings, tardennu offerings, (and) the temple of Mār-bīti, of the entire year (?), of Marduk-šumu-ibni/Šulā/Ilia: 
– 3 days tilimtu of month II: day 24, 25, 26
    3 days tilimtu of month IV: days 01, 02, 20
    2 days tardennu of month III: days 14, 15
    4 days tardennu of month IV: 11, 12, 13, 14
    1 kannu of the temple of Mār-bīti of month III, from day 16
    In total: 21½ manû dates
– [2] days tilimtu, month V: days 03, 05
    [2] days tilimtu, month VII: days 15, 16
    [2] days tardennu, month V: days 20?, 21
    [x days tar]dennu, month [VII]: days 20, 20+x, [...]
    (some lines missing)
    In total: [x] manû [+ x?] dates
maššartu of year 19 (of Darius):
– [3 days tilimt]u of month II: day 24, 25, 26
    [3 days tilimt]u of month IV: days 01, 02, 20
    one day tardennu of month II: day 25
    [2] days tardennu of month III: days 14, 15
    4 days tardennu of month IV: 11, 12, 13, 14
    1 kannu of the temple of Mār-bīti of month III from day 16
    In total: 20½ manû dates
Grand total: 2 kiṣru 14 manû and 4  dates. Not including 16 days maštītu and kapru offerings, 8 manû (dates) of Sutītu.
(1)         This line is written on the edge of the upper side and obverse of the tablet. 
(2)        How should we understand the enumeration in the heading of BM 82615? Are we dealing with tardennu and tilimtu offerings at the temple of Mār-bīti, or with tardennu offerings, tilimtu offerings, and (offerings at) the temple of Mār-bīti? Although this second interpretation seems forced at first sight, I would argue that it is the correct one. First, BM 82615 would be the only surviving source to speak of regular beer offerings for Mār-bīti. Although not impossible, this is unlikely. As explained in §4.3, only Nabû enjoyed a daily diet of kaprumaštītutardennu, and tilimtu, marking his position at the top of the sacrificial hierarchy in Ezida. Second, several offerings mentioned in BM 82615 came into Marduk-šumu-ibni’s possession through the estate of his deceased relative Nabû-kuṣuršu. The property deed (BM 85225 no. 21 and dupl.) follows the usual pecking order of beer offerings, beginning with kaprumaštītutilimtu and tardennu, and then proceeding with festive offerings to minor deities. In the first part of the list, we find references to the tardennu of 14-15/III and to the tilimtu of 03 and 05/V, offerings that are also mentioned in lines 8 and 12 of BM 82615. While BM85225 no. 21 does not say explicitly that these offerings were meant for Nabû, it can hardly be any different as Nabû-kuṣuršu’s prebend was summarized as a prebend in “Ezida, temple of Nabû, and the small sanctuaries of Borsippa,” with this last cate­gory clearly applying to the festive offerings to minor deities listed after the four main types. The same kind of evidence is given by BM 94567 no. 33 which lists the tilimtu in month II, days 24, 25, 26 (cf. BM 82615: 8') as a “prebend in Ezida.” Third, one of the offerings in BM82615 is explicitly identified as honoring Mār-bīti (kannu, in lines 10 and 12'), which would be unnecessary if the entire list pertained to this god. Moreover, the kannu offerings of the temple of Mār-bīti are also mentioned in BM 85225 no. 21, which shows that this was a special honor reserved for this particular god.
(2)         kal-li is probably a mistake for kal šat-ti.

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 425 (édition complète).

Waerzeggers 2010, p. 41, 64, 144- 146, 149, 156, 158- 160, 165, 320- 321, 381, 409.

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