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CTMMA 3 61
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CTMMA 3 61

Metropoltitan Museum of Art

numéro(s) : 86.11.161

date babylonienne : 13-ix-Camb 5
année julienne : 525

lieu de rédaction : Babylone

archive : Egibi

type de texte : attestation de vente

résumé :

Itti-Nabû-balāṭu/Šulaya//Egibi est témoin de la vente de trois esclaves (fŠikkû, Nabû-ittannu et Libluṭ) à Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi, par Nabû-iqīša/Šellebi/Atkuppu et Bēl-kēšir/Šulaya//Egibi.

© Translittération et traduction : Isa Spar et Eva Von Dassow avec les contributions de John Nicholas Postgate et Linda Bregstein (2000)

date de mise en ligne : 20 août 2021
Version numérique préparée par : B. Gombert

šik-ku-ú Idnà-it-tan-nu u Ilib-luṭ

a-me-lut-tu4 šá Iki-damar-utu-tin a-šú šá Idnà-šeš-meš-mu

a Ie-gi-bi ina šuII Idnà-ba-ša a-šú šá Iše-el-le-bi

a ad-kid u Iden-ke-šìr a-šú šá Išu-la-a

aIe-gi-bi a-na kù-babbar i-bu-ku

Iki-dnà-tin a-šú šá Išu-la-a aIe-gi-bi

a-na mu-kin-nu-tu ina lìb-bi a-ši-ib

mu-kin-nu Išeš-meš-mu-damar-utu a-šú šá

Iki-damar-utu-tin a Iši-gu-ú-a

Iden-kar-ir a-šú šá Idu-muq a (erasure)

(blank line)

Itu-kul-tu4-damar-utu dub-sar a-šú šá

Ila-ba-a-ši a lú tin-tirki itigan

u4 13-kam mu 5-kam Ikám-bu-zi-ia

lugal eki lugal kur-kur
(1-5)(Concerning) fŠikkû, Nabû-ittannu, and Libluṭ, the slave personnel whom Itti-Marduk-balāṭu, son of Nabû-ahhē-iddin, descendant of Egibi, purchased from Nabû-iqīša, son of Šellebi, descendant of Atkuppu, and Bēl-kēšir, son of Šulaya, descendant of Egibi,
(6-7)Itti-Nabû-balāṭu, son of Šulaya, descendant of Egibi, was present at the witnessing (of the sale contract).
Ahhē-iddin-Marduk, son of Itti-Marduk-balāṭu, descendant of Šigūa
Bēl-ēṭir, son of Dummuq, descendant of (erasure)
(11-12)Tukulti-Marduk, scribe, son of Lābāši, descendant of Amēlû
(12-14)Babylon, Kislīmu day 13 year 5, Cambyses king of Babylon (and) king of the lands
3-4: In addition to the citations mentioned below in the Remarks, Nabû-iqīša appears as the third witness to the contract of exchange Camb. 362 (on which see Remarks to text No. 62).
11-12: Tukulti-Marduk, the scribe, is attested later as a witness to a document pertaining to Itti-Marduk­balāṭu's son Marduk-nāṣīr-apli, in Dar. 440:12.
This tablet was written for the purpose of certifying, two years after the fact, Itti-Nabû-balāṭu's presence at the sale of three slaves to his nephew Itti-Marduk-balāṭu by his brother Bēl-kēšir and his other nephew Nabû-iqīša. The sale contract itself is Camb. 189, according to which Nabû-iqīša and Bēl-kēšir sold fŠikkû, Libluṭ, and Nabû-ittannu to Itti-Marduk-balāṭu for 3½ minas silver. Bēl-kēšir, Itti-Marduk­balāṭu's paternal uncle, is identified as the maternal uncle of Nabû-iqīša and his sister fŠîn-banâ in Cyr. 284, a promissory note for 2/3 mina silver owed by Nabû-iqīša and fŠîn-banâ to fIna-Esagil-ramât, wife of Iddin-Marduk (Archive D) and mother-in-law of Itti-Marduk-balāṭu; payment is guaranteed by Bel­kēšir, while the interest-bearing debt is further secured by the pledge of five slaves-including fŠikkû and Nabû-ittannu ­— and a house plot. Three more promissory notes drawn up during the following year (1), in the latest of which the slaves and real estate are said to be "taken in pledge" (Cyr. 321:8, 10), evidence Nabû-iqīša's and his sister's increasing debts to fIna-Esagil-ramât. Itti-Marduk-balāṭu may actually have acquired the three slaves sold to him according to Camb. 189 through paying off his mother-in-law's credit claims against his cousins. (2) The fact that, two years later, text No. 61 had to be drawn up in order to ascertain that Itti-Nabû-balāṭu had been present at the sale, (3) and therefore tacitly consented to it, suggests that it may have been contested by him or another relative claiming a right in the sold family property.
An addendum to this transaction is provided by RCT 22, extant in eight modern cast reproductions from an unidentified original. (4) The text of this document, after recapitulating the terms of the sale, adds that the division of the price agreed upon between Nabû-iqīša and Bēl-kēšir had been contested by the latter; nonetheless Nabû-iqīša has taken his share. (5) There follow witnesses, scribe-the same scribe who had written the sale contract Camb. 189-date formula, absent the royal name and titulary, and captioned seal impressions.

(1): BM 31265, Cyr. 303, and Cyr. 321, respectively published and re-edited as Wunsch, Iddin-Marduk 2, 307-9. Wunsch (Iddin-Marduk 1, pp. 70-71 with n. 271) proposes that the background of Cyr. 284 was fIna-Esagil-ramât's loan to Nabu­iqīša and fŠîn-banâ of silver toward the purchase of the pledged slaves from their uncle Bēl-kēšir (to whom the slaves are said to belong in the pledge clause, ll. 8-10).
For the WS deity Šîn (Akk. dSîn) in the name fŠîn-banâ, see Zadok, WSB, p. 43.
(2): In Camb. 165 (month 4, day 8, year 3 Cambyses; translation in Dandamaev, Slavery, pp. 194-95), which predates the sale contract Camb. 189 by about three months, Nabu-iqīša promises to either pay for, or return, slaves that he purchased from Itti-Marduk-balāṭu. Possibly these unnamed slaves were in fact the ones pledged to fIna-Esagil-ramât in Cyr. 284, in which case Camb. 165 would reflect Nabu-iqīša's attempt to redeem them from his new creditor, and Camb. 189 would reflect his failure to do so.
(3): Itti-Nabu-balāṭu/Šulaya//Egibi was not among the witnesses (mukinnū) to Camb. 189. His having been "present at the witnessing" (text No. 61:7) must have a legal meaning different from "witnessing," and in effect signifies his consent to the transaction witnessed; see E. von Dassow, "Introducing the Witnesses in Neo-Babylonian Documents," in Ki Baruch Hu. Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine, ed. R. Chazan, W. W. Hallo, and L. Schiffman (Winona Lake, 1998), pp. 16-18.
(4): I. L. Holt, "Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson Collection in Haskell Oriental Museum, The University of Chicago," AJSL 27 (1911), p. 226. For the identification of the duplicates of this document as modern cast reproductions, see E. Leichty, "A Remarkable Forger," Expedition, Spring 1970, pp. 17-21.
(5): See also the summary of Krecher, Egibi, p. 234.

Spar, Ira, and Eva von Dassow. 2000. Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Volume III: Private Archive Texts from the First Millennium B.C. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 061, pp. 123-125, pl. 43.

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